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Posts posted by Trudy

  1. Something is going on. If she drinks like there is no tomorrow, that's likely why she was peeing in her bed at night. But there is a reason she is drinking so much. May be nothing to worry about or it may be a real issue to deal with.

    With all the bloodwork, did they check the protein level in the urine (protein/creatinine ratio), if so, what was the value?


  2. There is still plenty of room to up the dose of Pb and KBr if needed as long as liver results come back ok. Even if the results show above therapeutic levels... seizures every 3 weeks can likely be controlled better if you aren't maxing out on med doses.

    You can also ask about Gabapentin. It's more expensive than the others, but it is another option - all 3 can be taken if needed.

  3. We do 40 days during the season, not to save money, but with a seizure dog, I don't like to over medicate him with stuff if we don't have to.


    We'll be starting again next month until we leave in May and then we are done with flea/tick and heartworm while we are in Kodiak :)

  4. I'm listing a bunch of stuff people, so get those bidding fingers ready!

    Books are coming in the next hour or so - they are next to go up on the auction page.


    Since we are getting ready to move, I'll list a bunch of things that are easy to ship. It will allow people to play and give people that want to help us test this system to look at a bunch of different things and give suggestions, even if you have no intentions of bidding on anything :)

  5. Thanks Bill. This is exactly the thoughts of my vet (almost word for word :lol) and why Ryan was not treated for a TBD when he first started having issues.


    After ruling out lots of other stuff, only a few things remained on the list as possible suspects for Ryan's issues and one was Lyme, so he's being treated as such again when the last round of issues came up and tests didn't give us any other info.


    I think there is a lot of push for "just treat it if you suspect it" without proof and lots of people push their vets to treat for something their dog likely doesn't have.

  6. I don't mind the ebay listing fee, what bugs me is the increase in cost of the listing fee based on how much I list it for. I get this is how they make their money and that's what ebay is there for.


    But I think a small fee for listing (same fee regardless of price listed at) to go to GT to help cover the cost of the software seems fair.

  7. As Bill said, they aren't all 30 day supplies. They have a list where you can find what meds are on it and how much at what strength. Either way, it is likely still a savings.


    Ryan's enapril is $11 or 12 at the vet for 100 pills. I just need to let them know 2 weeks in advance that he needs a refill that way we get an entire bottle, not what is left of another one until the new bottle comes in :)

  8. Not that it will help now, but do you have a video recorder or a digital camera with video or some way to take a quick video.

    I took some video of Ryan shaking in case we needed it (he also shakes like crazy at the vet), but the vet could feel the spasms through his shaking.


    Hopefully they figure out what it is and its an easy fix.

  9. Jessica (Jessbooch ??) is dealing with Lyme in her Bugsy and we are treating Ryan for Lyme though we still don't know what the heck he's got.


    I can't say I've ever heard of a vet willing to treat for lyme when there are no symptoms. My vet doesn't feel the results from the lyme tests are accurate enough, so we have skipped that testing. A positive result means she was exposed and if she was in an area with Lyme, then yeah, she was exposed.


    Is she showing any symptoms of Lyme?


  10. KBr

    - it makes dogs hungry and thirsty. Which in turns makes them pee a lot more.

    - it takes a while to adjust. When we added it to Ryan's pill line up, it took a very long time for him to adjust and we still dropped his dose in half because after 5 weeks he couldn't stand up without wobbling and almost falling over (his back end was really week for quite some time after we started him on KBr).


    He may be pacing and whining at night because he needs to pee.


    His 2 seizures - they were 6 weeks apart?

    Was anything ruled out as reasons for having seizures?

    5 is a normal age for onset of epilepsy, but getting to that diagnosis is done by ruling out other stuff.



    There are some good neurologists in Rochester, but you need a referral to see them (Rochester Vet Specialists).


    Vomiting - is it still blood?

    Is there any blood in his stool?


    He could have an ulcer.

    If he's still puking up blood, you need to get that figured out ASAP

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