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Posts posted by Trudy

  1. It was 50 and misting out, but I decided we were going anyway. So loaded the dogs in my car and off to White Sand Beach we went. Finally found the small patch of white sand! You can only see it during low tide.












    The white sand!



    It's a little cold...







    Car anybody??


  2. It's a gravel road, then the gravel drive.

    That tire has been sitting there for a while.

    I feel like I should pile crap back up on our porch to fit in a little better




    I learned a very cold lesson this morning. Jumped in the VERY COLD shower after my workout. Went down to reset it and NOTHING. Well, I can't go without a shower, so back up for a quick cold shower. Came back down and looked again, took pics to send to my dad and wondered why the light was on if the switch was off. Nothing turned off or on late last night when I was trying to figure out what it was.

    Yeah, it's the furnace :lol :lol

    Hopefully I'll have water that is a bit warmer than 60 degrees shortly :lol

  3. If you've submitted a donation since last Tuesday and haven't gotten a response from Jeff, I'll get to it once I can actually see it. I know there was at least one, maybe more, but I can't see the donation yet or who it was from. Once we get that taken care of then I'll update those donations and change acts as needed.



  4. Tonight's project...




    The fence/gate that was existing was, well, not so existing. The post had rotted, so the fence/gate was there, but laying against the shed. They used regular wood and didn't stain or paint it, so it was rotting away.

    Replaced with cedar. Gate is project for tomorrow morning if it is nice out.

  5. Morgan and Cromb used to be happy go lucky house dogs. Then they had a baby. Now they knock over the toddler and they are pregnant with another. They are outside dogs now without much interaction that I've seen :(


    Morgan is just a sweet girl. If Jet is out there with me, she wants nothing to do with me and just watches Jet, but if she doesn't see Jet, she just stands at her fence with her nose through it for some attention. Cromb just hangs out. They let us know if anybody walks by the house.


    The labs... also outside dogs, but they get interaction outside the kennel - I can see them running around while their human is working on stuff outside. They bark... a lot. I think they are his hunting dogs.

  6. Owner is stationed in Ohio so a little hard for him to check on his house.


    The pictures of Adak and Mt Shishalden were from Jeff that he took.

    But yes, if email is down, then I can have the Red Cross get in touch with the boat for true emergencies.

  7. I miss Home Depot.

    It took me TEN minutes to check out with 2 items... a bifold door track and a 8' piece of 1x2.

    They couldn't find either item in the computer and it took 10 minutes to get it figured out. Got the 1x2 for 20 cents :lol Not so lucky on the door track.


    I'm afraid to go back there to find stuff I need to fix the gate. It is all hiding behind the store, so I can't go out there and play around with it to see what I need - I see that gate taking a few trips...


    Did the fishes make the trip intact? :goodluck

    Yep, they did - they are now back in their 5 gallon tank (well, the plecos are still sharing the 5 gallon). I put the 65 gallon together on Wednesday, now to start getting that cycled and figure out what goes in it.

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