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Posts posted by Trudy

  1. Bev... in those boxes are the wonderful, devilishly good Girl Scout Cookies. Sold once a year... evil little girls (I was one of those evil little girls :lol).

    You should ask for one in a Secret Santa package... if anybody has any left, because it isn't like there's going to be any left from the boat :lol



    so here is some picture evidence as to why it is important to make food requests at foreign ports in weights...

    They requested X bunches of bananas. They got X bunches of bananas




    Not so sure one of these bananas will qualify as a serving size for fruit...



  2. Ryan will take his pills by me just tossing them in his food bowl - unless they are particularly nasty tasting (which I think the tramadol was, or it could have been something else he was on when he got sick last year - he wouldn't even eat the food once he got a taste of the pill), then I stick it in a hot dog and go that route. All else fails, I just open his mouth and put it down toward the back of his throat so he can't work it back up with his tongue.


    Jet gets Pepto pills when she skips meals and her stomach starts going nuts. She won't eat anything, so the pepto just goes to the back of her throat.



    Good luck getting him pilled.

  3. Yes, Jeff was already stationed in Key West. It's a place to visit, not live


    Coast Guard – about 45,000 people

    CG stations – >1000 but nailing down a real number has been difficult thus far

    Jeff’s position – 55 people/locations

    The number of possible locations will drop again when he advances again


    There is no point in telling us all the "wonderful" things about other CG stations and suggesting we try to be stationed there next. The vast majority of them, we will not have the option of going to.

    We have 2 years here and no real say in where we go next - the needs of the coast guard override the needs of Jeff and his wife.

    We will be going to one of 55 locations and not all 55 of those locations will be available during every transfer season. If we are lucky, maybe half of them will be available during the 2010 transfer season. We go where we are told to go.





    more accurately, maybe a 1/3 of the jobs will be open

    55 positions, not sure how many locations (for this season, there were 4 or 5 positions in DC and 4 or 5 positions in Alameda, CA) - so easily less than 40 locations, but probably much less than that even

  4. Free samples... no longer free


    I've seen larger size sample bags of dog foods - these are usually 1.99

    I've seen lots of small bags for samples - free

    We've gotten some of these free sample bags of food before.


    Here... $2.00 for the little sample bag.

    They are supposed to be FREE samples to get new customers to a food. Not a way for the business to make a few dollars.

    Just one more reason that I'll likely not be using the "pet store" here.

  5. Yes, Jeff sent them

    I don't know that the dogs love Kodiak, but Jet likes to run and play on sand - easier to dig and she doesn't get yelled at for it :lol

    Bears - I'll be concerned about them if/when we go on trails, but at that beach, they would be camping out in the water having lunch of all the salmon that were coming in and not care about us in the least.

  6. Kodiak smells a little better today :)



    they were inside the front door when I got back from the beach with the dogs


    Ryan's dream come true...



    something lurking in the water (bunch of salmon came in while we were at the beach)



    Jet running around getting out some of her energy






    dig dig dig, run run, dig dig dig - Ryan supervised


  7. There is pretty much no reason for me to apply for any more govt jobs here - far too many people with "points" so I just get an email saying sorry, too many other candidates that have points applied, we won't be looking at your resume.

    Not that I'm even remotely qualified for the one above.

  8. Might have to put that new degree to use.

    There's not much here.

    Jobs at the hospital require certificates I don't have or I'm not qualified to do.

    Some retail jobs exist, but not many

    Every once in a blue moon a job with the fisheries research center will open up, but you need to be an Alaskan resident for that... which I'm not yet and won't be for a while.

    So I'm handing over my resume for TA positions at the elementary school.

  9. It's the little things that make you burst out laughing while driving.

    I had to run down to the base this morning and on the way back there is a tiny little jet at the airport....

    with a FedEx truck backed up to the side of it - they were loading up the truck for delivery :lol

    Totally not the way it works at most airports :lol :lol



    Maybe you've already posted an update on this long ago, but how is Ryan's health? He looks like he's frolicking pretty well on that beach? Did they ever figure out what was wrong with him, or did it clear up on it's own?



    Still don't know what it is that he has - we now just treat symptoms as they appear and have given up on trying to figure out the cause. All the vets that worked with us are surprised (and very happy) he's still around.

    He's not better, but not getting any worse. He has bad days still where you look at him and know he's not right and other days you see a small glimpse of the pre sick boy.

    Moving quickly is not on his normal day to day list of things... unless he really really has to pee.

    We were at the beach for an hour or so. Jet was running around, playing, being her normal crazy self.

    Ryan was right by my side for about 58 minutes of the hour we were there. Jet came flying out of the water and started running circles around us and I backed away (she was flinging mud everywhere) and Ryan was left in the middle and became the target. She got him to play for about 90 seconds before he was right back at my side again.


    Since he got sick, he drinks like there is no tomorrow. He already drank quite a bit from his seizure meds, but he started drinking gallons of water when he got sick.

    I am door woman - I have to let him out at least once an hour during the day. Water comes up around 7 at night so he usually makes it through the night.

    But if you put down a full bowl of water, he will empty it in 5 minutes and then be looking for more.

    So I've started just putting small amts of water in the bowl at a time and doing that many times a day.


    Going back to work out of the house should be interesting, but for all our sanity, I need to do that soon :lol





  10. What is the Project for today ..... a Flowerbed ???? Are there any Flowers growing or just hardy Evergreens and

    Shrubs ??


    No, that was 3 hours of removing the existing raised bed, moving the special "dirt" to other existing beds and other places and then creating a level area a bit larger than 8x10 to get ready for a shed. The next few days are forecasted for rain, so that will pack down what is there, and then I'll bring in some crushed rock and level that out and I'll have the base ready for the shed when it shows up.

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