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Posts posted by Trudy

  1. Ok, I have 5 packages left here with shirts waiting for payment to be mailed, you should all have received the email with the total in it.

    I'll shoot out emails again tonight, but please check your spam/junk folders if you've not received the email yet.


    Making a run to the post office shortly to drop off what I put labels on a little bit ago.

  2. one more batch going to the post office.

    ALL shirts from this round are complete

    I have to replace 1 where the greyhound embroidery screwed up and waiting for a replacement (coming in round 2) for a shirt that arrived with a hole.

    Other than that, all are done.


    And maybe today, I'll figure out who belongs to this one long sleeve navy or dark navy shirt sitting here.



    So everybody should have received an email with a total (except the 2 cases above) and a paypal address. If you want to send a check, let me know and I'll send you the mailing address.




  3. For those of you ordering shirts for round 2...



    I'll offer to do the embroidery for you - but if the machine eats the shirt, you won't get that shirt. (It ate 1.5 shirts during the first 100+ shirts and tried to eat a few others that I was able to stop before it really did eat the shirt)

    If the tension gets off during the embroidery and it doesn't look like it should, I'll take a pic and send an email so you can decide if you want it or not.

    But I WILL NOT be reordering shirts that get eaten or screwed up.




    I will be putting the order together tomorrow, so if you want to change your order based on this info, send me an email, I'll respond to it to let you know I got it


  4. Ok, just discovered a color swap in 2 shirts - neither have been mailed out yet - emails sent.


    Might be another color swap too... need to figure out who belongs to this last shirt that I haven't gotten an email response from yet.

    If you ordered a L dark navy long sleeve shirt and didn't get an email with a total from me yet... let me know. If not, I'll try to figure that out tomorrow.




    And if you got a shirt that isn't the right color. I'm VERY VERY SORRY!. I won't be able to fix it after tomorrow and I don't think anybody will have gotten their shirts by tomorrow.


  5. EMAIL ME.

    I'm waiting on several people to respond to the emails I sent out last week to determine what you wanted on your shirt(s).


    I need to know that info so I can get the shirts completed.





    Also, I'll be sending emails again tomorrow if your shirts are done and I've not received payment. I know a few of you have let me know you are sending a paper check, that's fine. You'll get the email again as I'm just going by what's in the box. This way I'm sure everybody has indeed received emails.

    I'm using the email addresses you sent the orders to me with.




    If you have paid over the weekend, your package will go out tomorrow afternoon. I'll be printing those labels in a few minutes.

    Any payments I receive in the morning will get labels done up and printed and will go out tomorrow afternoon as well.




  6. So, I have a bunch more shirts packaged up and ready for USPS labels...

    I have the labels in my USPS shopping cart.

    When I went to add an additional one earlier this evening....


    this service is currently unavailable



    So hopefully it is resolved tomorrow morning so I can print the labels and get this batch of packages out (those that paid this afternoon/evening)



    I also finished a bunch more tonight and got started on another bunch - should have that bunch finished tomorrow and will send out those emails.


    The "to do" pile is slowly getting smaller.


    I could actually eat at my dining table.

    Not that there's room on my kitchen counter to prepare anything to eat, but there's space on the table now :lol

  7. 4 more payments this morning - thank you. Those shirts are packaged and waiting for me to print the label. When I do, USPS should be sending you an email with the tracking info. I'll drop them off at the post office today.


    I hope to get another bunch of orders done this afternoon. Once I'm done with each, I'll respond to your email with the total. If you want to pay by real check, that's fine, just let me know so I can send you the address and move your shirt(s) to the "check's in the mail" pile



    Also, I have a bunch of shirts that I'm still waiting on info back from people.

    Once I get through the ones that I know what need done to them, I'll email the outstanding ones again.


    Ideally I'd like these all completed and out of my house by the time Jeff comes home. As of last night, of the 126 that showed up, I had about 75 left to work on.

    I'd actually like most of them gone mid next week as I have guests coming over and need space for them around my table instead of all these shirts :lol



    So, be on the lookout this weekend for an email from me with your total. I'm hoping to get through a good amt over the weekend... hopefully

  8. To further clarify for those still confused about the stuff being embroidered...



    here, the top is GreyTalk.com

    the middle is the greyhound image

    the bottom is the GT username


    They could have also had it done with the image on top, then a user name and then GreyTalk.com, or no username or no image or not GreyTalk.com

    Just need to know what order you want the stuff you want embroidered :)



  9. First round of shirts should ship out tomorrow.

    You will have received a response via email with the total [shirt price, embroidery price, shipping price] and the address if you want to pay via paypal.

    If you want to send a check, let me know and I'll mail you the address.

    If you don't agree with the total, let me know, a calculator has not been used yet in the totals :lol


    Shipping is USPS priority mail to the US. It will probably take a week, even as priority, at least that's how long anything takes to get here via priority. I'll send you the tracking number when I print out the labels (or USPS will send it to you if I remember to add your email address when filling out labels)


    Canada I will try to do first class mail if you prefer to keep the cost down, but I can't tell you how long it will take to get there. As long as it shows it as an option to me when I get shipping costs, I'll send the email with both costs, just let me know which one you want so I put it in the right envelope.


    If you send a check via paypal, I'll wait to ship until it has cleared.



    If I have questions, I'll respond to your email before I do any embroidery - just to make sure I'm doing what you are expecting.

    I will not send you the email with totals until the shirt(s) is/are completed



    126 shirts arrived in the first batch

    Most of them will have some type of embroidery on them.

    My goal is to embroider a few shirts a day, so it will take a while, but I'll get there :)



    And hopefully Walmart has more backing because I'm going to run out after about 6 more shirts :lol I'll make a run there tonight, if not, I'll have to order that online.

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