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Everything posted by Trudy

  1. Welcome from an ex-Salemite now temporary Alaskan.
  2. Unless somebody sent them already, you shouldn't see anything other than the number you have coming to you.
  3. If you boil the couch, I want pics of that process
  4. I just did round 1 of matching. Next and LAST matching will be done on 13 March.
  5. Secret Bunny 2009 is now open. Click the events tab in the menu bar. Easter is 12 April. I will make matches TWICE. Once next week and once on 13 March. You will not get an email. I will make a post once I've made matches - go into the system to get your info. Make sure you update the system. I really don't like hounding people to do that. Make sure you THANK your Secret Bunny once you receive a gift - I don't care if you detest what they sent you, thank them anyway. Make sure you put WHO the recipient is on the package - some households sign up more than once. Package doesn't need to be addressed to the pet(s), but please make sure the person receiving the package knows who it is for. $20 gift package PLUS shipping, if you can only send a $5 value gift, please do not sign up. This is supposed to be fun. You are not obligated to have evil peeps (evil elf equivalent?) send PMs or make posts to get info. There is a spot in the sign up to provide info, sometimes that is all the info the SB needs. Do not contact me if somebody hasn't asked for more info, I'm not going to contact them. Doesn't mean your Bunny doesn't like you You are not obligated to post pictures of what you received - really, it isn't required to participate (but please make sure you have thanked your bunny either by snail mail, in person, by PM or by post (and maybe send a pm to point out the post) Event Rules & Terms of Service * One package will sign you up one time, two packages will sign you up two times, etc. * SAVE the email responses you get from each entry - they will include links back to each package and will allow for easy tracking * The gift limit is $20 plus your shipping charges * If you are unable to participate for ANY reason after you have received a match, click the SUPPORT link provided on each page at any time and submit your notification. Until you do so, you are still responsible for event completion. * Check the event system for updates. The event system will let you know the status of your package(s). * Update your package status, there are 3 levels. Acknowledge Match, Shipped Package, and Received Package. * Gifts don't have to just be for the pets, they can be for the humans too. Packages shipping within the same country must be postmarked by March 30. Packages shipping overseas must be postmarked NO later than March 23. * We will accept entries until March 13. Matches should be made at least weekly, more often if there are enough names to work with. If you are signing up late, be aware that you may need to send your package using a priority shipping method for it to arrive in time. * Matches are automated and made at random. Requests for personalized matching can not be accommodated. Historically we have had a few entries each year for other pets; non Greys, non dogs, etc. If you do not want to participate for 'any' matched user, it is best to not participate at all. * We reserve the right to close the event signup at an earlier or later date that specified above. ** Failure to complete your obligation will make someone and their pets very unhappy. Greytalk reserves the right to remove access to those who fail to meet their obligation without reason. DISCLAIMER: Greytalk is organizing this gift exchange but is not responsible for anything related to the delivery or non-delivery of any items between members. Participants agree that the exchange is between other participants and Greytalk is not liable in any way shape or form. You need to have a Group status of "MEMBER" or "COMMUNITY SUPPORTER" in order to sign up.
  6. Ryan's neurologist was convinced he had a brain tumor or cancer that was responsible for his pain. The MRI was read by a radiologist just passing by and he saw none, but she was still convinced. It was again read by a few other radiologists and no tumors/cancer was found anywhere. Good luck
  7. Not from this post, but you are correct, neither of us likes it here and will be more than ready to leave next year. 2 more patrols after this one is done. Wendy - If he were wearing a white uniform, you'd never have seen him or even an orange coat, he would have blended in with the rest. Yes - I made him come stand out in the freezing cold for a little bit as they were pulling away.
  8. Have his liver function checked every 6 months. I've never changed anything for Ryan after he started having seizures and it hasn't been a problem for us. We never did when we had a border collie when I was at home that had seizures either. We let them continue to be dogs.
  9. Getting close to the 10 hour mark now for non dark time. It's starting to get light a bit after 8 and getting dark close to 6. Still isn't warm sun, but it is nice to not worry quite as much about running over the kids waiting for the bus
  10. moving this up as this is the post that needs to be seen.
  11. No problem - title has all the info needed for everybody
  12. Until you see pics of the boat going the other direction and a bit less snow (and maybe better pics)... no support tickets should be sent to Jeff. If you'd send them to him, please submit them as general or to me. He'll be gone for a few months again. White balance issues with pics today, so the pics really suck backing away from the pier turned around and heading out leaving still leaving - helo flyby and a seagull too I think Was too windy yesterday to leave under their own power. Not as bad today so they were able to leave 18' seas are waiting for them once they get past the islands around Kodiak and into open water.
  13. I wouldn't worry about his quality of life yet. The vast majority of the time, seizures can be controlled with meds.
  14. Greytalk is not a tax deducible donation. Donations go to help us cover the cost of keeping greytalk up and running. Jeff will get to your donation later tonight
  15. It hasn't been an issue since he's been here - regardless of what food or treats he gets. We changed his food since I'm not so fond of feeding 8 cups of Pedigree. That's why I'm curious as to if this could have just been a result of not getting food at his previous home, the stress there and then the moving to a different place where he was kept outside until they got him to the shelter here (not like you can drive from all the villages on this island). But the shelter was also having issues getting weight onto him until they started adding the enzyme powder. I did a bunch of reading today, but the main thing I'm curious about is if this is really what it is or not. But again, I don't know what testing was done and what the results were. Hopefully I'll be able to talk to the vet here about what was done when and if there is a reason to repeat any of that testing now that he seems to be doing well.
  16. Anybody had a dog with this before? This seems to be what Tavarish has been diagnosed with - he gets an enzyme powder on his food and seems to do fine. The full history of him isn't fully known, but he was picked up in a remote village on Kodiak from a no longer good home situation. Somebody that was out that way saw him and told them to give him over to the shelter and let them figure out what was wrong with him and how to fix it. They almost put him down because he kept losing weight. Somebody happened to drop off some enzymes and told them to give it a try - what could it hurt at this point. It worked. He had bloodwork as well. When I'm not sure. Best guess is that he probably wasn't getting the best food/care in his previous home. He was picked up as a result and they said they were feeding him deer meat and other food, but he was dropping weight. I'm going to see if I can find a time the vet can talk to me about what testing was done, what his results were and when they were done. I'm wondering if it is a real diagnosis or due to timing, it could have been stress/food (or lack there of) related and now that he's at a stable weight and doing well, if the results would show different or not. He's doing perfectly fine with the enzyme powder and if this is a true diagnosis, then he's on it for life. But just curious if anybody else has dealt with it before and if the dogs condition at time of testing may play a role in the results?
  17. In NY we went every year since we didn't dose year round. My vet said if we dosed year round, I think he tested every other year - maybe. I don't remember. Here, we don't dose or test.
  18. As long as you have current records that show a recent hw test and that you've been buying/giving the meds, the new vet should be able to just sell you more. If she's not had a hw test in a while, you really should have that done before giving more, regardless of where you get it.
  19. You may just end up with a grey with a docked tail. Like everybody else said, get him out of the crate and look at it. Call your vet and see if you can wait until tomorrow or if he needs to be seen tonight.
  20. Perhaps at a track that doesn't report races there.
  21. Hair and Fur are exactly the same thing. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showtopic=222953&hl=
  22. Don't crush up tramadol. I have it on pretty good authority that those things taste absolutely NASTY! Ryan will take pills in his kibble. He would NOT TOUCH THE KIBBLE when I tossed the tramadol in there. So we gave him his tramadol in a hot dog piece. Try the ensure stuff over some kibble and see if that will make the kibble enticing enough. It will be trial and error to see what you can get into them.
  23. Oh Anne, I'm so sorry to hear about Phantom.
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