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Everything posted by Jackandgrey

  1. Oh poo Andrea. That's too bad with her limited back leg use. Make sure you print out the hulling procedure page and take it to the vet. I'm not sure if they've had to do it but they should be willing to give it a go.
  2. I'm not sure that she'll ever be negative once she's been exposed. If she's not symtomatic then she does not likely have active disease. Did you ever join the tick list. They talk about Lyme disease all the time!
  3. GEM carries EMT gel and the deliver very quickly.
  4. I hope it's done and he's out of surgery and all recovering.
  5. I'm so sorry. Run free with joy Gus. Look out for your mom and dad sweet boy
  6. Oh Stanley Doyle. You have a good amble at the bridge. You will be missed by us all here sweet boy. to you and Marc, Bev. I'm so sorry.
  7. Jackandgrey


    I'm so sorry. I so wish it didn't have to be your turn. I desperately wish it never had to be any of our turns. We'll all miss your beautiful sweet boy and grieve with you. Farewell Jett.
  8. Try getting rid of the slough with a saline flush using a 30 cc syringe and an 18 gauge needle. This is provides the correct PSI to get rid of the slough. This is instead of debriding it by pulling it off with the dressing.
  9. Oh BJ. I know exactly how you are feeling. Just to let you know my 9 year old black Jack went through the same thing only on the front. And it was a nasty soft tissue injury and it did take almost 6 weeks. So I hope and pray, in fact I darn well insist that's what your BlackJack's is going to be!!!!!
  10. Was just wandering how Poptart was doing?
  11. But my goodness you have beautiful white teefies Flashy.
  12. I'm so glad sweet Flashy is recovering well. What a relief for you.
  13. for no cancer. Now to get him feeling better. Hugs and kisses to Alan.
  14. Do the seats fold down? Soul is 80lbs, and his buddy Sharky is also 80lbs. They both have plenty of room in the back of a Mazda6 with the seats folded down. More than they need, actually . . . . . It's a very small Toyota four-door sedan. The seats fold down to get access to the trunk, but it doesn't make for a very even surface. I am just trying to picture two dogs fitting on the back seat. My one grey is a big boy and not the most coordinated dog on the planet. And he doesn't sit. He does fine by himself, but he takes up the whole seat when he lies down. I don't want to relegate a second grey to the floorboard behind my seat. I just wondered how others managed. Just fill in the footwell space between the back of the front seats and the back seat either with pillows or something firmer - just to make a larger platform of the backseat. That gives enough room for two quite easily. Mine did fine that way in a Corolla for well over a year till we got the Rondo.
  15. It darn well better KNOT. Hoping handsome Alan is feeling even better tomorrow.
  16. Of course there is a beach! How lucky you all were to have had each other. I'm sorry Buddy had to leave. I know he;ll be watching out for you. have fun at the beach sweetie
  17. I'm so sorry Laura. You absolutely did right by your boy. He is at peace now with no more pain. That was the best and only gift left you could give him. He knew for sure that you loved him.
  18. We'll be thinking of you and know it will be a peaceful journey to the bridge for your sweet Buddy
  19. Welcome home Merlin from da hospital of teeth cleanin. Sweet drugged dreams and den smile bib for da flashy box so we can see dos spectacular teefs. Jilly
  20. All the bestest ever thoughts in the world for Merlin. Susan & Jilly
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