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Posts posted by Jackandgrey

  1. Jilly has on occasion a kind of grumbly growl. A sort of muttering under her breath grumpy growl. It's not a lip curling, I feel in any way threatened growl. For that. I kind of laugh at her and tell her knock it off you old grump. She will reposition herself and all is fine.


    If it is ever anymore than that, then without over reacting, she is asked to get off into her own bed please! Which she does ASAP. And she gets a good girl for obeying that command. I am not about to share my close space with a growling dog. Period. But I don't punish her. So I don't feel I am shutting down communication at all.

  2. Recommending a kidney diet Rx food because he MAY have problems in the future? That is just silly. His blood work is normal which means he is healthy and his kidneys are functioning just fine. Feed him a good quality food and see a vet that actually understands greyhound blood values. Not one anxious to sell you dog food.


    Also they don't get steroids at the track!

  3. This is such a horrible conundrum I know but without a doubt you are doing right by Wizard to try this first. And yes vets are human with differing experiences and ideas. It can be very confusing and frustrating. However, it makes little sense to give you an option such as continue pred vs euthanasia. I'm so glad your own vet is working with you now.

  4. I'm so sorry. Riley was a stunning boy and I always loved seeing pictures of him, thinking of him on the beaches of Hawaii. He will be missed by so many of us but always will be with you. Don't worry.

  5. I couldn't answer because the answer isn't the same for all my dogs. Jilly has an excellent recall. I have had her off leash in areas I would never consider for others.



    Jack had absolutely no recall and although he had no prey drive at all and never chased anything, would wander and absolutely not listen.


    Josh has a fairly good recall but I wouldn't trust it.

  6. When I do a home visit, I typically tell people that their new dog will arrive as a stranger to their home. Depending on the nature/personality of the dog - shy, cautious, confident or outgoing, the first months will be a getting to know you phase. Your new dog doesn't yet know he belongs to you and that this is his place. They can appear to be shell shocked, particularly the very shy dogs who don't interact much at all. The others may seem to be fairly "normal" but like polite guests in your home, at first not sure of the routine but appreciative of everything nonetheless. Sort of like "what a lovely home you have here!" Some just bound into your home like they own it but that's less usual.


    After awhile, and it very much depends on the personality of the dog, they start to relax as they adjust to the rhythm of the home and it occurs to them that "hey! I think this maybe is MY home! and these are MY people!" That's when YOUR dog finally starts to make an appearance. The timing of this really depends but often for a lot of dog, it seems to be somewhere around about three months. Much longer for shy dogs and shorter for others.


    In the meantime you need to just relax and get to know each other. You need to show him how your house functions and what your rules are. There is a lot of learning going on there so sometimes formal training can wait. Just use the words you'll want to use for the actions he already does. He'll pick up more than you know.


    Good luck and have fun!

  7. I'm so sorry Pat. I know how very much your heart is hurting; how big a hole there is right now. Your beautiful blue boy will be so missed. Your bridge family will care for each other and watch over you till you meet again. grouphug.gif Rest well Zeus

  8. If you're not seeing as much progress as you want, might try SSD (silver sulfadiazine) ointment on that. It is what we use for things that can't be stitched. Glop a bunch on the bandage, plop bandage on, change every couple days, don't clean in between, just plop a new SSD bandage on.


    I was going to suggest that, or...


    There is a product called Aquacel. It looks kind of like telfa bandage, but, when applied to a wound, it turns to a gel-like substance and promotes granulation. I used it on Fritz's ongoing toe healing issue several years ago and the stuff is like MAGIC! It was a little bit tough to employ on a toe, but on Riley's leg it would be a cinch!


    Aquacel is to absorb exudate in a draining wound, Not for this application. Although if there is a lot of exudate and the wound is stalled you might want to try some Aquacel AG

  9. I'm so sorry Deb but so glad you came to your senses and realized she was yours. Souza was a very clever mama dog picking herself a hound heaven where she was so clearly loved by you and John. Run with all our loves at the bridge Souza. flowers_pink.gif

  10. Jill was two when she came home. I took her with me to obedience to keep that brain busy and tired!!!!! As it turns out, she is smart as a whip. Her recall is superb. She comes when she is called. Period. She learned all that boring stuff as well as some basic agility in those classes. If I had been inclined, she would have been a great dog to do more with.


    Jack and Josh on the other hand fall into the polite is just fine. Once they learned wait and go lie down well really there was not much more I needed them to do.

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