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Everything posted by Ragsysmum

  1. I think 9pm is too early for a last trip out if you expect him to sleep longer in the mornings. Also I would give him a few biscuits or handful of kibble at bedtime so he isn't hungry and may sleep longer.
  2. If you are getting to the bottom of the food sack, the kibble could be more 'dusty' than earlier. I'd moisten the kibble more to stop the 'dust' going up his nose when he eats and see if that helps.
  3. How much exercise does he get? Tire him out before bedtime and let him sleep on a dog bed/duvet beside your bed.
  4. None of our greys here in the UK has ever done it. Maybe it's only USA greys that do?
  5. I'd rehome her too. Once you get two bitches fighting it usually escalates and can get really, really bad!
  6. If it is happening so spasmodically, I would think there is something outside disturbing him on those occasions like neighbours coming home late or some animals sound he can hear. If that is the case he may learn to ignore it but there isn't much you can do if he can't sleep next to your bed.
  7. That looks nasty and painful. Hope it responds quickly to meds.
  8. Agree with above. Re-check for UTI but if not I wouldn't be surprised if something happens outside which upsets him and causes the accidents. We always leave a radio on to mask any odd noises from outside.
  9. Are you the one who always puts him back in his crate? Maybe he anticipates that is what you might do if he comes close to you and he is really ready for more freedom.
  10. I'd try a longer lead/line and make sure there is no pressure on her collar when she thinks about going. Some dogs just like to be further away from you before they will do anything.
  11. Well, if you are actually in the house with her, why can't you just take her out every three hours or so anyway so she can go if she wants to?
  12. What times does she have her meals? If it's worse first thing in the morning it's probably 'empty tummy syndrome'. Give her a handful of normal kibble or biscuits last thing at night and you might find that stops it.
  13. Never bother teaching 'tricks' which I can't see the point of but I do teach quite a lot of different commands which I find useful in normal daily living.
  14. Is there some specific reason why you want to crate him for the journey? Personally I wouldn't upset him now by trying to make him be crated when for years he has obviously been loose. You might trigger off other stress behaviour like chewing, crying, peeing which you certainly don't want to risk.
  15. Very best wishes for your boy being sent from over here. What an awful thing to happen.
  16. I wouldn't ignore him in case he really does need a wee or a drink but I would be worried about the increased thirst.
  17. If you spread the food on a flat baking tray that often slows them down as they can't grab a mouthful at a time.
  18. I'd certainly want her to be carrying a bit more weight if she were mine. Especially during the colder months of the year when I always let mine put on a little bit more to help them through the cold weather.
  19. Sounds like he gets bored. How much exercise does he get before being left? Normal a tired dog is a good dog.
  20. I always take mine out immediately before leaving them even if we have already had a good walk an hour before. I walk round the garden with them and mostly they will do another wee before going back in. Your girl is trying to do the best she can going as near to where she should be able to get outside and obviously just cannot wait until someone opens the door for her, not her fault.
  21. Don't think my two old toothless boys would be much use but as usual they would leave the terrier girl to do anything that was needed!
  22. She is growing up. Greyhounds normally like lots and lots of rest and sleep. If she is comfy on her bed and dozing she probably doesn't want to be fussed and stroked and tickled (would you). I'd let her rest on her bed in peace and leave all the fussing till she is on her feet and comes to you or call her to you for a stroke so she can come if she feels like it. You don't need to dominate at all, just be kind and gentle till you have had longer with her to build up a real bond.
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