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Everything posted by Ragsysmum

  1. I have never known a dog to have dewclaws on the back paws before. Surely this must be pretty rare?
  2. LP usually affects the ability to swallow food I think. Certainly when my Ragsy had it we used to have to massage her throat to help the food go down and that effect was more obvious than any breathing problems for her at least.
  3. That sounds really good for your girl! Many dogs seem to make an almost complete recovery from a stroke and it seems that Gracie is well on the way to being one of them. Very best wishes for continued improvement and many happy times ahead for your girl.
  4. Fingers crossed that your girl has a good day today. Very best wishes coming her way from over here.
  5. Silly question I guess.....but have you/they had a really good look at his pads for corns?
  6. Best wishes for Sandy to get sorted and recover quickly from this.
  7. Hounds are allowed on the couches but only the bitch Tru gets up there regularly. The two dogs show no real interest in being up. Sonny has jumped up a couple of times but doesn't stay and Benny has never even put a paw on to try it out yet.
  8. My feelings exactly! Looking at the odds even shown in this small poll, I'm afraid I wouldn't put my dog through amputation in the hope of gaining just the few short extra weeks it generally seems to provide.
  9. Good luck Jamie, hope all goes well for you.
  10. Only you can decide but you must put his needs first however much it hurts. Rather a day too soon than a day too long for our precious hounds. Sending you strength to get through this and comforting thoughts to help you along.
  11. Never used one so I can't really help but looking at the Bite Not collar site they seem to go off dogs weight so a greyhound would need a 6" or 7" for under or over the 70lb weight mark. Seems a funny way to work it out though thinking of the differing neck length and width of various breeds.
  12. Better a day too early than a day too late. Only you can know if the right time is now but whatever you decide it must be what is best and kindest for her, no matter what you would like for yourself. The last kind thing you can do for a much loved hound is to take the pain of setting her free so that she does not have to bear it a moment longer than necessary.
  13. Super news. May he continue to improve with each passing day.
  14. Hope this turns out to be nothing to worry about.
  15. If you thread/weave some tape in and out of the sock top about half an inch down and leave long ends, you can tie the sock on above the dogs wrist or ankle joint which saves messing with sticky tape, stays on really well (does for me anyway) and can be washed and re-used over the years as needed. Seems like a pain to bother maybe, but I find it much easier than putting tape on and pulling off again and doesn't bother the dog at all either..
  16. Could just be the heat affecting her appetite or making her feel a bit out of sorts.. Many dogs love to eat grass though....sometimes when their tummies are out of sorts when it can make them sick or settle them down again, but quite often just because they enjoy the new fresh shoots. I let mine eat a certain amount if they want to as long as I know it has not been sprayed with anything.
  17. Don't know what it is but it does look sore and you can quite imagine why she is wary of walking on that. How does the combination of epsom salts and bag balm work? If the salts harden the pads and the bag balm softens them, I'm not quite sure how the combination works, though I have seen these both recommended for corn treatment before.
  18. Here's hoping it was just something wrong with the food as I thought it could possibly be. At least then you can relax knowing there is nothing major wrong with your girl.
  19. Don't suppose the recipe for her food has changed at all or includes more salt? If she drinks heavily mostly in the evening sometime after her main meal, I would think maybe the food is making her extra dry or thirsty. I certainly wouldn't ever restrict availablity of water though as she obviously feels she needs it for whatever reason you finally come up with.
  20. Just had a corn taken off one of my boy Sonny's front paws. The general opinion over here of the local greyhound kennels and the countrywide greyhound group where I got him, is for removal of the toe if the corn comes back, as they all expect it will.
  21. Good luck with your recovery Sweetie girl, you deserve the best from now on!
  22. So very sorry for your loss. Your only comfort right now may be in knowing you did the right thing for him and loved him enough to set him free when the need was clear.
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