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Posts posted by Greytlady94

  1. Diane, I am just seeing this.


    Gus is 12.5 years old and went under recently to have a tooth removed. They can do an anesthesia that is easily reversible - I can't remember the protocol - Dr Bill? They've done it with Gus and my others in the past. It's amazing to see them come out to be picked up and have them bright and not so dopey.


    I would see if they can aspirate to determine the cells. It may just be an old man fatty cyst, in that case I would leave it, but if it needs removal see if laser removal is an option. It's quick and heals very fast.


    Thinking of you and Goods and all of the gang.


    Laser is how my Molly's nerve sheath tumor was removed the second time. The laser was so much easier on her and healing was done in half the time. The tumor was on her right rear leg, she was 12 the second time around.


    Sending prayers that Goods just has a cyst that doesn't need anything done. :hope:grouphug

  2. My bridge girl Maggie had the most scars of any of mine or any that I ever fostered. She was quite a scrapper when she raced, and would plow her way through the pack. The first time I saw her I was afraid that her scars and part of her left ear being gone might put adopters off. I wasn't looking to chip, had just gotten my heart girl Molly four months before, but I took her home. She was such an outgoing happy, goofy girl. A lot of her scars did cover over but those that were deeper never did.

  3. The thing that helps my puppers with anxiety the best is not something they take. After not being satisfied with the results of Rescue Remedy, melatonin, etc. I ordered the doggy lullaby CD. If I'm here when they begin getting stressed I put it on and within 2 or 3 minutes their breathing calms down and they lay down and go to sleep breathing normally. If I'm not going to be here and we are supposed to have rain (which is a whole lot of the time in Houston) I leave it playing on repeat. I have no connection to this product I just really think it's great. http://www.caninelullabies.com/

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