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Posts posted by Greytlady94

  1. Our Renie had this surgery several years ago and has done very well since, no problems at all in that area. I would suspect that the leaking you are seeing now is not related to the surgery Fiona had. I would have her urine checked for a UTI first. If no UTI then I would suspect she has spay incontinence which is not unusual and can generally be treated successfully. Our Bridge girl Maggie suddenly developed spay incontinence at about 8 and was prescribed a low dosage of PPA which took care of the incontinence.

    There are certainly more serious causes of urine leakage, but I would start with the simple ones.


    Obviously I'm not a vet, but just giving you our experience. :)


    I wouldn't use anything until she has been checked out by a vet :)



  2. Roo didn't have a dental cleaning when I adopted him, and his teeth were NASTY. A few months with raw meaty bones to chew on, and they sparkled. My dogs (of various breeds) are 10, 8, and Roo is 4, and none of them have ever had dentals. I tell ya, bones do the trick!!!

    so what kinda bones I want to get leo some but I am a vegie person and dont eat the meat!


    Large raw turkey necks are great for their teeth. :)

  3. She eats 2T of plain organic yogurt and 2 T of organic pumkin sometimes, it makes do difference on the gas, and mix all a cup and a half of castor and pollux dry puppy food 3 times a day Castor and Pollux Organic Dry puppy food But I tried giving her a crushed Trader Joes papaya and pineapple enzyme mixed with her food last night and no gas!!! I don't know if it was a coincidence will let you know.


    Wow, that is great!! I so wish we had Trader Joes here. :)

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