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Posts posted by Greytlady94

  1. No heartworm preventive needed in WA state. If I ever travel with the dogs, I'll check with the vet first. Fenway is still on his 6 months of heartworm preventative (every 30 days) because he's from Kansas. He'll get tested in the spring, and we'll be in the clear after that. :)


    I am confused now....our Vet never said anything about heartworm preventive. Why is it not need here in WA. state but needed in other states?



    Please check out this link that Batmom posted.



    The first day of the month, every month, without fail. We also test every year.

  2. I would also have her stool tested for all parasites including giardia.




    "The trophozoites divide to produce a large population, then they begin to interfere with the absorption of food. Clinical signs range from none in asymptomatic carriers, to mild recurring diarrhea consisting of soft, light-colored stools, to acute explosive diarrhea in severe cases."

  3. Often we say "when it is time to let her/him go you will know". I think the eyes are a gauge of what is going on inside, that and when the bad days/hours outnumber the good days/hours it is time. Although this is a tremendously difficult subject, you are wise to be thinking of it ahead of time. Although we never want to be faced with this, it is the price we pay for love. I would rather be one day too early then one day too late.

  4. Freddy is being treated by the opthamologist for ehrlichia, tick parasite brought up from Florida, that effects the bloodstream. She was given drops 2x/day and now gets them 1x/day. eyes are crytal clear. Fortunately, this was found before any irreperable damage, blindness. However, at the last visit the vet noticed white rings around both corneas. He said that it is corneal disintegration! I pretty much flipped inside thinking that she could now go blind from antoher problem!!! With her also losing fur, he wanted her tested for hypothyroidism. My greyhound savvy vet says that this eye condition is rare and is not related to the thyroid. Will get the first blood results Monday and the thyroid a few days later. Has anyone had a similar condition in their greyhound? If so, what did the vets say? I know that I don't have facts at this point, but I'm worried!!!!!!!!! I can't imagine her going blind.



    I'm not quite sure if this is what you meant....I am understanding from your post that

    the opthamologist is treating her eyes with the drops twice a day, but another vet (maybe the one treating the ehrlichia?) is telling you it is corneal disintegration? If I am understanding this correctly then I would continue to have the opthamologist treat the eyes. Veterinarians are not always up to date on eye problems since many times they just rarely see eye problems beyond injuries. Here is an article on pannus, which is really not uncommon to greyhounds, and is an immune mediated corneal disease. http://www.animaleyecare.net/diseases/pannus.htm Usual treatment can be prednisolone drops in the eyes daily (sometimes once, sometimes twice a day) for life. These eye drops usually do a good job of keeping pannus under control. For the ehrichia she is being treated with Doxycycline?

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