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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. Nice site--easy to read and I love the "our friends" graphic right now. Because I'm compulsive: your home page has "and it's contents" instead of "and its contents".
  2. Iberia, have an even-more-excellent-than-usual Bridge day and maybe give your momma a nudge?
  3. Winslow, you furry devil you, we love you!
  4. Gentle journey, Duke, and hugs to your family. When you feel like it, would you post some pics of him for us?
  5. I'm lovin' Ella up on the couch so she can bark at her nose to nose!
  6. Flashie, your mommy and daddy really really need you to be well! Hugs all around.
  7. Patsy

    Dweebis Kaneebis

    What a gift that you found him in time and he knew you were there as he passed on to the Bridge. I always enjoyed hearing Dweebis stories! Hugs to you.
  8. My condolences on the loss of your sweet Dalys . . . . I've asked all my Bridge kitties to watch out for her. It's never easy to "do the right thing". Hugs
  9. . . . . but it's such a cute little pink tongue! Gentle hugs.
  10. We're on vacation on Maui. As I read about Peatie being home, and about BarbieJade and Lacers . . . . I look up and there is the most gorgeous rainbow out over the ocean . . . . coincidence? I think not! Hugs
  11. Patsy

    Lacey Laine

    Oh no, Patti! My heart is with all of you. Lacers, don't tear up that place too badly!
  12. I've been out of contact for several days and just saw this . . . . tears as I'm reading of The Queen leaving us all. Big hugs to her family and her pack--truly one of a kind!
  13. Lacers, your White Pebble (your mom can explain to you) for you and your daddy was thrown into the Pacific this morning with all the white light and good thoughts I can muster.
  14. Please? The mud pictures for Skittle's Auntee Patsee??? Please? I was in awe of the Princess of Pinkiness when DD and I got to meet her in person . . . . and she let us love on her (gently and one at a time) . . . . and admire her pearls, of course. I felt like I'd had an audience with the queen! Unforgettable! Hugs from Maui, Devon.
  15. Patsy


    Please share some pictures of sweet Lucy.
  16. Sending best thoughts to Fran and hoping the docs can figure out an approach.
  17. Great to hear--scritches all around.
  18. A lovely site . . . . and Duke was gorgeous. Welcome to GT, btw.
  19. . . . in . . . out . . . . in . . . . out . . . . hugs
  20. Sending many squealing/squeeking-noises-are-just-diva-noises thoughts across the pond.
  21. Sending lots and lots of good thoughts and white light to Fran and her family today!
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