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Everything posted by msjpk

  1. Glad to have a newbee and a oldster
  2. After having Lou for 3 years, I decided to foster- Lou is his own dog and I wasn't quite sure how he would like a partner. We applied to foster for a senior boy ( I was told boy with boy is good match). A senior boy was available who's house was going into forclosure. Hubby and I arrived at GFNJ s and picked up "PLUMMER" a brindle boy. Both Plummer and Lou are a match for each other, we didn't know it then but it worked out so Plummer is ours now. It is greyt having 2 but I must say they should compliment each other, it is much easier. Keep us posted and good luck.
  3. msjpk


    So sorry for your loss-it is never easy. Your tribute to Sobe is comforting. You are a good mom. He was given the best home. Take care and Lou sends you hugs and kisses.
  4. I have lavender oil available. I put just a drop on their beds and they sleep through the night. It really does work.
  5. Congrats, what group r u adopting from and where in NJ r u located?
  6. Was a biopsy mentioned? My Plummer has 2 infected toes that have been going on for years. He is on a antibiotic and I control his licking with socks. He is in no pain and his quality of live is excellent. I would speak to the vet again and asks questions. Good luck. Oops, sorry, I didn't read all the posts. Good news for u. Plummer is on Zeniquin& I have since put him on Benadryl, for swelling which is drying out the wound. What antibiotic are they recommending?
  7. My Plummer has a ongoing infection in one back paw and one front paw. He is on antibiotics and the vet wants to perform a biopsy. Each day I put zinc cream on and cover with toddlers socks with duck tape. Keeps the socks on. I change socks as soon as they get wet as the wetness will make things worse. It is hard work trying to keep their feet healthy!!! Good luck, I hope they find the cause.
  8. If you can contact a Canine chiro, that helps along with prednisone, muscle relaxers. Much rest, no up and down stairs, harness instead if collar. It probably will happen again, so be prepared with always having meds available.
  9. Lou suffers from disc problems and does the same action when his disc is out of wack. I give him Dexamethasone and then muscle relaxers until the disc calms down. Lou had x-rays to diagnose his disc problems.
  10. I purchased the portion control bowl for Lou as he is the one who eats fast. He doesn't like it and puts off his eating altogether.
  11. I have decided that I am going to purchase the portion control feeding bowl. It makes sense to slow the feeding down.
  12. Wow!!! this is confusing. I am concerned as most grey adoptors are told to provide raised feeders. I think more data is needed as well as more experiences from you experts!!
  13. For those of you who didn't read my previous post. I was visiting with my sister this weekend and her 10 yr. old lab, Chaney, ate his dinner and started to make these gutwrenching sounds that I knew were not good. Off to a vet and diagnosed with bloat. Surgery performed pronto. Chaney came home the next night and is as good as new, thank God. Vet said that raised feeders are a big NO- they could increase the chance of bloat!!! Ok so let me hear from you experts.
  14. HI from Lou and Plummer. We live in Rockaway and try to participate in the Meet and Greets for Greyhound Friends of NJ, last Sunday of the month at Petsmart, Rockaway Mall. Would love to get together with your new boy
  15. Wow, this poor pupper- I agree with the shot of dexamethasone if it is a compressed disc. Works wonders for Lou, also rest, no stairs, and Lou sees a chropractor 1x a month. I hope u find out what is going on. I know a MRI is expensive but with all the vet visits going on the bills are piling up. Good luck and please keep us posted.
  16. Did the vet prescribe steriods and muscle relaxer? Rest, no stairs, no running is a big part of getting better. Good luck, keep us posted. Oh, definitely find a recommended canine chiropractor.
  17. Lou had been having several episodes of pain in the cervical area lately, so I arranged to have xrays done today. I dropped him and his bed off at 8:00. Vet office laughed as I lugged the bed in. Why they asked? I told them no need to cage him, just put his bed in a room and he will remain there. So they did and when I picked him up they said he didn't move after the procedures!! Lou had spine and cervical xrays which revealed compressed vertebraes, believe R4-5. While he was sedated, vet recommended to do a dental, so his teeth are squeaky clean now. Lou will continue to go to chiro, no barrelling down the stairs and easy walks. Drugs of dexamethasone and muscle relaxer when needed. We can handle this. So the breakdown of todays visit is as follows: Cervical and Spine xrays 292.00 438.00 Dental 390.00 Antibiotics 133.00 Heartguard for Lou and Plummer 76.00 I have pet insurance, I have no clue what they will cover. All and all my Lou will be ok.
  18. I am not sure if Lou has DDD but I am suspecting that. Xrays tomorrow to confirm. However, if your baby is in pain, call vet and get something that will work for pain. Lou"s head hangs down and he yelps in pain and cannot find a comfortable position to lay in. He is on short walks, no stairs and I have him dexamethasone and muscle relaxer. He has had a good past couple of days.
  19. Lou will be going on Monday for cervical xrays as he has and is presently experiencing neck pain. I take him to chiro every 2 weeks. Right now Lou is on short walks and absolutely no stairs. He is on dexamethasone and musclel relaxer when needed . Where your hounds diagnosed by xray or MRI's??
  20. I spoke with vet today and Lou will be sedated as cervical xrays require. I will drop him off in AM on next Monday and pick him up in PM- oh my poor Lou- please pray for the best.
  21. Any idea what sedation should be used for x-rays?? Would it be the same for the OR? If any one has the names of sedation used for greys and xrays I would appreciate it.
  22. Since Lou is having neck pain more often I called the vet and suggested we do some xrays. The office staff said it is Lou would have to be anestasized and would be dropped off in AM and picked up in PM. Is this the norm?? I really don't think he would just lay there but I am curious as to how other vets do the procedure. My take is that if he is going to be out why not do an MRI instead? Expert opinion please.
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