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Everything posted by msjpk

  1. Do your grey's sit? Can you have them sit and stay until everyone calms down. I have my Lou do the "watch me" with a treat when we walk and he starts his snarking behavior. I know handling 2 under these conditions is difficult. But best to have a plan so nothing happens. Perhaps having the golden keep his distance until he calms down. Good luck!
  2. Vet contacted me today, Plummers White Cell count is 4.3 and forgot the name but started Lym..... is 6.88- so no problems with him. I am going to change the food and put some pounds on him, soak his paws and continue with the Tetracycline, Omega and Vit E
  3. I am so sorry that happened to her. Although no animal should bite, I do say that I believe she was being warned. Trimming nails can be tricky and it can be a two person job one person trimming and one watching the body language. I hope your wife is ok- did she have medical attention?
  4. Regarding which blood count was low, I will be able to tell you tomorrow when I hear from the Vet. Yes, I have been giving foot soaks with epsom salt, and is working wonderfully. Thanks
  5. As posted previously, Plummer had his visit today to check on his toe nail bed infection, Vet does not agree that it is SLO. However, we are following the Grassmere protocol. We will see how that goes. He got blood work done and all is well except for low blood count. She is sending that out and I will know more tomorrow. Plummer has lost about 8 lbs. since August 2010 but I have put him on Nutro senior as he is 11 years old. Any input would be appreciated.
  6. Hi and welcome :wave Where in NJ are you located?
  7. Does this list go state by state, or all Target's offer these meds?
  8. msjpk

    Chase Is Gone

    You are a star and Chase is with you in spirit and for Chase "thank you"
  9. So far it has been in the morning-hope it is only empty stomach!
  10. Plummer has been throwing up recently. We have a vet visit next week. He is on Omega fish oil supplements for his suspected SLO. Not to be to gross, the color when he spits up is amber, liquidity and foamy. Could the Omega supplements being doing this or by your experience something else going on? Just wanted to know if anyone had the Omega Fish oils upset their doggies stomachs?
  11. Most likely this won't be an isolated incident- always keep those meds ready- glad to hear the good news
  12. Lou has the same problem, it has been ongoing for years. Xray was performed and slipped disc in neck, probably old racing injury. I give Lou 2 dexamethasone at first indication of neck starting to hurt-neck hangs down, and yelps when moves in a certain way. Pain meds and muscle relaxers when needed. Usually dexamethasone works within a couple of hours. Rest is also important until neck feels better. Lou visits a chiropractor to keep up with his alignment, once every 2 months. Good luck.
  13. What is pulse antibiotic therapy? when he is not on Clavamox his condition worsens and the lesions ooze and lesions spread to the other toes.
  14. Plummer has been on Clavamox for about 2 years- it is constant- as his nail bed is constantly inflamed. I forgot to mention in my previous post that usually according to the vet, these disease can Plummer is on low dose thyroid also. Clavamox is getting expensive so I really don't know what is next- we will see at next check up. As for now, he is walking better, not licking as much so the Epson salt soaks have worked for him.
  15. Plummer has infected nail beds for years. He had a biopsy but hard to diagnose as sample was so small. He is being treated with Clavamox 325. mg and 125 mg 2x daily. It keeps his infection under control but another paw is showing infection. I soak in Epson Salts 2x daily and keep paws clean with Epson salt baths and Zeasorb a super absorbent powder to keep paws dry. Plummer takes the socks right off an when he starts licking I am able to tell him No, and most times he listens. Who knows what happens when I am not home!! It is a tough disease to control especially in rain and snow, constant drying of paws. Nails do grow fast and I try to dremel when he is resting. One nail did fall out some time ago but not recently. His nails are really odd looking some look like they have no blood going to them. Keep up this thread, very interesting and maybe we can brainstorm a great protocol.
  16. I have 2 greys, no cats, fenced in yard. I live in Northwestern NJ and I am available for setting. Contact me through greysrus@gmail.com
  17. Plummer is also a 9 toe hound. He has an ongoing nail bed infection and one toe had to be amputated.
  18. Plummer has a chronic nail bed infection which has been treated for years with Clavamox. This medicine has keep the infection in check but no wonder drug. Clavamox price has increased is very expensive now. Nail bed continues to weep and open up on walks. I put medicated powder on his paw to stop Plummer from licking. (I have tried everything else with no luck) THe canine chiro and vet suggested laser treatment. She suggested I rent one and give treatments 1 to 2x daily and see if it works. I contacted a company and they charge 300.0+ per month - I would like to hear if anyone has used a laser and what results u had and if anyone knows where I can rent one cheaper. thanks
  19. After reading this post, I decided to re-train Lou as his manners on leash are not to be desired. I started using chicken bites, at least he is paying attention to me and we will see how it goes when other dogs are around
  20. Plummer, my brindle, is shedding plenty. Are there certain times that they shed? I was away for a week and he was in good hands so I am not sure if he was stressed or this is the time for his shedding. Any thoughts? Any suggestions to help the shedding? thanks
  21. msjpk

    My Brindle

    So sorry for your loss, been through it- it is sad.
  22. We were out last night so his snack was pushed to 7:30, he did wake up to go potty, sometime pee and sometime poop- but he went back to sleep, and stayed asleep until 5:30am He definitely is hungrey, wondering if I should change food, he is on Kirlind chicken/rice with some cottage cheese added.
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