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Posts posted by Xan

  1. Beth, good thoughts and white light just streaming your way from here. No one wants to hear the word cancer relating to someone they know, much less love. Having to hear it twice in one week, and about two of your most beloved people ... :(


    :bighug :bighug :bighug


    Chanting that both cancers are either figments of medical imagination, or treatable!

  2. Ack! I just saw this, and my heart just tanked! Had to look at all your posts to get the details (such as they are) asap.


    No news yet, I am waiting on a call back. Still hoping for good news.


    I'm marshalling all good thoughts for Iceman. He'll be home, and you'll have nothing to worry about but the vet bill. :P



  3. Well, hm!


    For what it's worth (probably nothing! But, nothing ventured, nothing gained!), when Brilly broke his toe, the constant bandaging caused sores that would not heal. It wasn't until we gave up on the bandaging altogether that the sores did heal. Could there be an aspect of this going on here? Such a constantly enclosed, probably humid, environment, with restricted circulation because of constriction of the bandage, seems like a good reason for the failure of the skin, all by itself. Could this possibly be the case? I know leaving it unbandaged hasn't been too successful (on the back leg, anyway), but maybe some open time, maybe with hydro-therapy, at this point?


    Casting around for hopeful helpfulness, here!!


    Hope your beach weekend was way better than you thought it would be!


  4. I'm sure no vet, but it doesn't look like the bone or boney stuff is sticking out at all. Maybe it's all soft-tissue! That's gonna be MY chant, anyway.


    *Bumpy bump, go away, bother us no other day! You're just a bump we don't like at all, so be gone so River can chase his ball! :lol Bumpy bump, go away, bother us no other day! You're just a bump we don't like at all, so be gone so River can chase his ball! :lol Bumpy bump, go away, bother us no other day! You're just a bump we don't like at all, so be gone so River can chase his ball! :lol Bumpy bump, go away, bother us no other day! You're just a bump we don't like at all, so be gone so River can chase his ball! :lol *


    Repeat as needed. :D

  5. How's Kaylee's poor snoot? Happy's was so swollen after she had a bunch of teeth out, but she had a LOT of teeth out all at once. I hope she's feeling better by now, anyway.


    Is there someone you could trust, maybe a close friend or family member, who could ferry Drake to and from vet appointments without charging you? Or even someone who wouldn't charge very much? Just in case?


    It's hard to type with all my fingers crossed, but they remain crossed tight for Drake and you all.


  6. Just catching up after a long family visit. Poor all of you!! Jeeper, Drake. Time to wrap this up, huh? :(


    I was thinking before you mentioned wishing you'd maybe already amputated that it was a good thing you didn't, if he has such a mysteriously hard time healing. That would be a lot bigger wound to care for, if it wouldn't heal right. Maybe that's for the good. Maybe. Augh. Who knows? :unsure:


    Hugs to you all for hanging in there!


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