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Posts posted by Xan

  1. What Sweetdogs said!


    Thanks for keeping us updated! Poor Drake.


    As far as PT, how soon can you start something? I'm thinking about what a habit it can be to avoid using the leg, and how that can be ingrained long after the leg is useful. Wabi never did learn to use her one goofy leg, mostly because of habit, and despite enabling surgery and PT. Your situation is different, since he had been using the leg before, but still.... :unsure:


    Sending always good healing thoughts!

  2. Happy was on Hills for awhile, and did alright, but started refusing to eat it, no matter what I did, including adding nutritional yeast. I changed her to a venison kibble (she has IBD, though, so that might not work for you - ?? ), which has been working for months now. When she feels a dip in her appetite, the nutritional yeast will get her to lick her bowl clean.


    Wabi gets NY, and it makes a HUGE difference in her general bounce. I think it may also be keeping her corn at bay! NY is great stuff.


    Good luck finding Sterling's magic combo for joy. :bighug

  3. Just did a quick search of natural wound treatments, and that Manuka honey just shines out (anti-inflammatory, pain relieving, scar reducing, antibiotic properties especially superior where resistant bacteria are present, and supportive of tissue regrowth). I hope you can get started on that soon for Drake's poor foot.


    I'm with you! I was shocked to read the vet just slapped in a couple sutures, on an awake dog, with the nearly full conviction that they'd rip back out! Doesn't that A. HURT, and B. just make the wound that much worse?? Hello! :(


    Super news about the back leg staying closed, though! I imagine it's stiff, as well as weak, from being held tight and unused for so long. Hopefully, it will begin to loosen up and gain some strength now.


    Hugs and scritches to Drake!



  4. Can't go by Wabi's feet. She's got little skinny feet not much bigger than a whippet. Go by what the measurements say, and be generous. Especially if you let the nails go a bit long. I find Wabi's boots just a teensy bit short, but they still work and stay on better than anything else I've tried.


    Good luck with Zeke!

  5. Carol, do you have a Therapaw for when he's lame? They're invaluable, I'm telling you! Some people have said you should get two; one for the problem foot, and another for the opposite foot (like, both back feet, or both front feet), because it seems to bother them less that way. Good to have a spare, in any case.

  6. Sheesh! That is a challenging communication (poor thing! I bet she is very aware and uncomfortable about her lack of skills!) on many levels. I understand both your sides on this one. I hope you can work it out without losing your job!


    As for Drake, it sounds like he's doing well. Does it look like the front paw is doing any better on the antibiotics, yet? When he kicked, could he have pulled some skin against the edges of the bandage or something? I can just imagine that, sort of getting a burn on an already tenderized area. But, the thrill of the kick!! :lol

  7. Is softening the pads a good idea? Seems like you'd want nice tough pads for walking on outside surfaces. Like, if you have good calluses on your own feet, vs a nice soft foot, and you have to walk on gravel or hot tarmac.


    My vet said he'd never heard of corns. I have him the links to the corn hulling pages online, and he thanked me for the opportunity to learn something new. I love my vet. (Just wish he weren't so expensive!)


    If your corn has raised edges, I say pull that sucker out! Hull it! It's easiest if it's been soaked, but you can do it dry, too. That's what I do, anyway. Instant relief. Disclaimer: I am NO vet! ;)

  8. Well, how 'bout that? I lost track of this thread, and here it's been merrily going along without me! :lol


    I ran out of the propolis I started with, and eventually, like 2 years later?? - can that be?? - it did come back, with a vengeance. She was miserable long before I could see any sign of the corn. I was doing online research for wheelchairs!! :(


    I haven't gotten more propolis (expensive stuff!)(for broke us, that is! :P ), but eventually I was able to pull it out (hull it). I'd done that before, but this time it bled! :blink: Never did that before! It must have gone pretty deep. About 2 days later, and ever since, she's been like a new dog, and no sign of return. That was a few months ago, now.


    I'm still very impressed and hopeful about propolis for corns. When it comes back, or shows signs of coming back, I'll try it again.

  9. I'm sure your paper will be very clear and well-written. You write very well!


    I'm cringing thinking about them sticking a brush inside that poor leg wound, but if it helps in the long run, so it must be. But glebhnlsnsz! :P So, we mostly have to all wait out the weekend to find out what they find out. That's why they call them "patients"; 'cause they have to be so patient! :rolleyes:


    Good luck getting your paper done. Don't forget to get some rest for the drive home!


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