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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Marcus is one special, sweet boy. Thank you for giving him a wonderful year. Sending sympathy and hugs. (p.s. -- Jodie knows the recipe--I bet she'll take care of Marcus )
  2. Sending my deepest sympathy & hugs. I know how hard it is to lose a parent.
  3. Sometimes it is listed on the Data pedigree site. Maybe snowjay can help us with this re nerve sheath tumor & Scrappie: that was a horrible place to have it
  4. I see you just lost her? Where was the nerve sheath tumor? Sending my sympathy..... Yes, please fill it out. I think there are more nerve sheath tumors than anyone expects.
  5. Burpdog

    Sweet Edie Lee

    Then I think of your comment "You were a bounce, times 2 or 3 or 5". How special she had the time to be with you and happy. There is nothing greater than sending them off with love and promise.
  6. I would assume so but knowing what assuming can get you Did they take everything covered in the questioner? If not, I'd fill it out
  7. Dr. Shelly Lake, DVM has been compiling information on all types of cancers. Please participate in her study! Handpicked@embarqmail.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Couto is now ready for me to complete the second spreadsheet. If you have not filled it out -- please do so! The more greys included, the better the study. Let's help our past, present and future greys. I am gathering information for Dr. Couto (Ohio State University) that will be used in a study he will begin in approximately 4 months. I have set up an email account specifically for the information to be submitted. I will have access as will Dr. Couto. The information is to be used ONLY for this study or research as decided on by Dr. Couto. Please -- let's get him as much information as we can on as many greyhounds as we can. If you know someone who does not have internet access, print out the form for them and have them snail mail to: Cancer In Greys, c/o BBC, P. O. Box 721465, Houston, TX 77272 If you want the form in a word document, email me at Burpdog@msn.com The email for the study is: canceringreys@gmail.com Cancer In Greyhounds Owner's Name & Address__________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Email address___________________________________________ Greyhound's Name________________________________________ Tattoos _________ ___________ How many races did this greyhound race_______________ If there are no tattoos is a pedigree available ? Yes____No_____ If the answer is yes, please submit the pedigree. Greyhound's age at adoption__________ Veterinarians' name(s), address______________________________________________________________ Phone number______________________email address_____________________________________ Age of greyhound when diagnosed___________ Symptoms_______________________________________________________________________________ Diagnosis________________________________________________________________________________ Location of cancer_________________________________________________________________________ Date of diagnosis_________________________ Method of diagnosis______________________________________________________________________ (xray, MRI, biopsy, etc. – list all that apply) Include the name of the lab and the path accession number for the biopsy_____________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Treatment(s)_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ (amputation, chemo, radiation, meds, alternative, etc. – list all that apply and names of medications if known; if no treatment please list "none") Length of survival after diagnosis and/or treatment______________________________________________ Vaccination History_______________________________________________________________________ Heartworm preventative used, yes or no, and what kind___________________________________________ Topical flea/tick treatment used, yes or no, and what kind__________________________________________ Prescription medications used in the year prior to illness___________________________________________ Supplements used in the year prior to illness_____________________________________________________ Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  8. Came accross this on another list (Circle of Grey). A woman's grey was tested for and had bartonellosis. From what I've read, it is the bacteria in cat scratch fever and can be passed from ticks to humans and dogs. Antech Report edited to add:
  9. Rainbows are good Yes, Beatrice, have a talk with those boys!
  10. Run like the wind sweet boy! What a great contribution he made in life
  11. Burpdog


    In a few days it will be 7 years since her light left my life and this earth. Be aware of the side effects of all NSAIDs. Make sure you receive a product insert. Make sure blood work is done before starting on them and at two weeks (yes, two weeks--had that been done, I believe Eliza could have been saved), then every 6 weeks. Make sure platelets are checked. No, I have not forgiven myself and I will not be ok until I see her and she says it is ok. I you Eliza Jane.
  12. Sending my deepest sympathy
  13. Burpdog

    The Legacy

    Solomon taught me you are never too old to try new things and enjoy them: and when you are down, take the outstreched hand of a friend and you can be on top of the world in a very short time. It's never too late to enjoy life.
  14. Burpdog


    3/1/91 - 10/28/05 He collapsed 15 minutes before I got home last night. Rushed him to e vet. I thought perhaps he had contracted the virus going around. He did not respond to IV fluids and antibiotics. I received the call at 2:30 that vet felt he was not getting better, only worse. I drove back to the clinic and held the grand old man as he crossed over. My only regret is that Wednesday night I didn't give him more of my cereal that he wanted. I gave him a piece, he gave me a kiss. I told him he could run like the wind now.
  15. What a beautiful picture! The love just jumps out and grabs you Sending my sympathy and sending hugs. It's never easy. You never have them long enough. I lost my second grey to kidney disease. It's a frustrating disease. When thinking of your sweet DD, the book All Dogs Go To Heaven came to mind. She has known Mocha all her life Give her a hug from me.
  16. Please give them my sympathy
  17. Sending my sympathy and hugs to you both. I know how much Nolan Ryan meant to you run like the wind sweet boy
  18. Burpdog

    Big Surge

    Sending my sympathy
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