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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Usually high fat diet or indulgence (like my DD's roommate was feeding her Schip bacon every morning and my DD didn't know it.....) but as Jennifer said, I think some of it can be stress. I had good success with Solid Gold Holistique Blendz and Shadow did go thru a life threatening bout of pancreatitis when he was on it! It happened once for him. There are two schools of thought regarding antibiotics. With him, we did it all--two kinds of antibiotics, fluids and nothing by mouth for 3 days and acupuncture. Almost lost him and I have no doubt acupuncture pulled him through. Jodie had a bad bout of it when I first got her. After that time, she had mini bouts and pulled through without vet treatment. I would keep in contact with them and as long as she was drinking and not vomiting, etc., I kept her at home. They would last a day or two of not eating and she would bounce back. A good senior kibble low in fat should help. Also, no chicken! I know a Dobe that would go into pancreatitis after eating chicken every time. I don't know why, but I wonder if there is an allergy connection somehow. I simply kept chicken out of the diet of anyone I knew was prone to pancreatitis.
  2. Carafate will really help. For the first day, I'd be tempted to feed ground chicken only or baby food.
  3. There are a few regular vets who are good surgeons that can do the surgery but you have to be careful. Have you asked Ohio State if they know anyone close to you? What city are you in? Perhaps someone here is close enough to recommend someone.
  4. I bet he went to the concert & party
  5. Most likely he needs to be at the vet's office on fluids. Sending lots of prayers!
  6. Happy bridge Birthday. I am sure Jodie will bake you a cake
  7. OK - I got them mixed up. I must be missing Mahogany & Tootsie's SS Thank you She really did have a ball with the wrapping paper Will get you pictures tonight or tomorrow!
  8. I lubbed everything! Especially the wrapping paper by Burpdog: Thank you very much. Sarah came over and we got pictures that I'll post tonight or tomorrow. We cracked up watching her have a blast with the wrapping paper (OK - who are you? Now, I am confused and the boxes are at home) -- all straightened out! regarding Mizzy...... Someone's SS is in NH
  9. Sending many prayers. Keep a very close eye on him. If he is not right, get him to your vet today.
  10. You are welcome. Merrry Christmas
  11. Unfortunately, without the necropsy, you won't know what caused the seizures. Many times I do not do one, but with something as unexpected as this, I think I would if you can. Seizures can be caused by so many things which includes ingesting something toxic. Since they did try & stop them and could not, there was nothing else you could have done. Sending my sympathy.
  12. I just reread the post and you are saying 5 or 6 inches. Keep an eye on him. I don't know how well that will dissapate. I know my boss's silky ate one that long and had to have surgery. Of course, this is a much smaller dog.
  13. Did they try to stop the seizing? Did you opt for an ecropsy? edited to add:
  14. I agree--go with the lesser invansive procedure. I'd get into the university or another specialist for a consult asap.
  15. Hopefully he will digest it. Keep an eye on him for any distress. I'd give him some bread. How long was it?
  16. Austin was 7 when I adopted him and he had to go thru hw treatment. He went to the bridge at 13 from soft tissue osteosarcoma. The only thing that the damage from hw did was that I did not opt for chemo because of the damage to his heart. I felt he would not survive.
  17. For arthritis I would go with supplements, acupuncture and chiropractic which will help correct, not just mask pain. There is a study (I'd have to look again) which shows rimadyl actually is not good long term for arthritis. If you do use an NSAID, make sure you get the appropriate blood work and become familar with the side effects. Since I lost my first grey to a "side effect" of rimadyl, I refuse to use any NSAID and have managed 20 seniors since without them.
  18. She must have a dental or she won't be healthy long as a bad mouth can affect the heart and kidneys! Just make sure to use a recommended greyhound vet. Magic was 16 at her last dental, Heart 14
  19. Sending lots of prayers. I would try Eastern medicine
  20. One of the reasons I mentioned acupuncture is that they ususally have calming herbs to try. sending prayers!
  21. I have seen what you are describing from gas. Did you do a urinalysis? Need to find out what consitancy the poop is and what color. Have you tried some benedryl? did you take her temp?
  22. Is the acupuncture vet close? How are her bowel movements? Hard, loose, etc. Any gas?
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