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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. I wouldn't use estrogen for incontinence until the UTI is for sure gone! Also, chiropractic will help. Sending prayers. Usually in a male that has incontinence (not caused by a UTI) they are given progesterin shots.
  2. He's doing fine! Gakked a little (like reflux) around 4am so I gave him some carafate and he was good.
  3. Vitamin B12 shots, once a week to start. Also might try some stomach meds.
  4. Oh boy, a canine -- ouch big time. Hope he heals well.
  5. Re creatine: some go up to 2.3 or 2.4 with a normal BUN. One of the greyhound things. It's not a kidney problem.... Will have to get some pictures of wonderful clean schnozz
  6. Just talked with them. He is done, waking up and will be ready to go at 4
  7. He is so darn cute!!! Vet just called. Conversation: his creatine is high at 2.1 what is his BUN? normal don't worry about it his white count is low at 3.8 -- normal for a grey what are his platelets 152,000 and his hct is high at 52 so I tell him if a greyhound is under 50--start looking for something He laughs and says: want to come do the dental? I really like this guy. He is from Wisconsin and is one who will pull out the book or research if he doesn't know. He's good and he's humble--what more can you ask for? Way too much.....
  8. I know it's just a dental. But.....I can't explain how much this boy means to me
  9. March 3, 2009 Yesterday, I got smart. Since Winslow hates to poop in his yard, I shoveled a path behind the yard, down by the creek for him to go. While the snow is still soft, he can take his regular walks, but when it melts and then freezes, he'll have a new path and be happy. Meanwhile, 17 degrees, out with no coat and rolling in the snow... That's my boy. He loves the snow. Glynis
  10. With blood work and the 20% discount during dental month and with sevo it's $220
  11. Take him to the vet and have them check his teeth well. When Mizzy had the abcess behind her eye and ended up with a molar pulled, she would run if I came near her with food. Also check thyroid. Sending prayers!
  12. What a sweet looking boy! Sending my sympathy
  13. The other bandage does not want to come off I am soaking it in oil and taking off a little at a time. I really don't want to go back to the vet this morning..... You should see the chriopractor's report. Poor Mizzy! She is sore all over (comes from running on 2 legs). She will have another appointment next week. She's eating and her same sweet self, just 3 legging it now.....
  14. She did pretty good on the ride home I said to the vet tech: bet you are glad she is leaving and he was puzzled. Apparently she was a good girl in the vet's office She was very hungry when we got home!
  15. Sending prayers. Try to get another pain med to help him. Morphine is a good one to add to the tramadol.
  16. She is awake and fine and can go home at 4:30. You don't know Grace
  17. I think at this point Patti is opting for experience over convenience. Sending lots of prayers. We need someone to GUR you & Pave Marie!
  18. February 26, 2009 Good Morning Diane, First, the poopbag is still in the tree. Because the weather is not bad and there is no wind, I have deemed it unnecessary to get up in the middle of the night to check on it. In short... it's not going anywhere. If it looks like weather, I'll resume the midnight watch. Second... Weather here is partly cloudy, wind is 5mph (except that which is coming from Winslow at about 30 mph and pungent. Probiotic enzymes? HAHA HA.). I spent so much time standing in front of the poopcan yesterday (Hey mom, how come that lady is standing in front of the poopcan? Is she really talking to it?) 32 tries, amid laughter, screaming children, honking horns... I was out there for nearly 2 hours just to get the "perfect" video... not to mention post production. My neighbors are now afraid of me. In short, Craig is coming home today, the house is a wreck. Craig is good about it, I was on a mission. He shares the enthusiasm, but this is a bit much. Winslow got poop all over me this morning when he got his tail in it and then laughed and wagged it all over my pants (What's that smell... geez, why is my pantleg smeared in poop?). We got home, Winslow immediately decided he needed a nap, pooptail and all..on our bed. Sheet change. Laundry. Pooptracks on the rugs... Looks like he stepped in it too...Carpet cleaner..more laundry. No weather report today, sorry... It's a bad day for the Depends company... sales will drop. Hey, we should be predicting the rise and fall of stock in the Depends company! How can we make a greyhound charity raffle out of it? More tomorrow. Glynis
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