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Grey Pup

Grey Pup (4/9)

  1. I just learned about the "bucket game" today and I'm keen to give it a go with my foster hound who is very sensitive about her feet. You should look it up.
  2. Each time it sounds like he's anxious and looking for reassurance. My girl has also been marking indoors recently and I know that giving her more attention and cuddles has reduced the frequency. Ive also been told to make sure that the dog is out of the room when you clean up so that they don't see you paying lots of attention to their pee-mail.
  3. It takes time to build a relationship and forcing her into the car probably damaged her trust in you. I would play games and treat heavily around the van. When she's more comfortable play with the doors open, then when she's comfortable with that try tossing a treat into the van where she can reach without getting in... Keep it really fun and low pressure. If you ever *need* to get her into the van make sure there's a clear signal that this isn't the same as the usual games or she might regress.
  4. I have tried that but both dogs got upset. At the moment my husband takes our foster out first and as soon as they are out of sight I leave with my dog and take her a different route. When my husband gets in he gives a long lasting treat otherwise our foster will stand at the door and wait for us to come home.
  5. My foster hound has a racing injury and is supposed to rest up but she really loves her walks and doesn't want to be separated from my dog. Balancing the different needs of each is quite challenging. I don't want my dog to suffer because of my choice to foster and I underestimated how hard it would be to split my time between them. I also wasn't expecting her to enthusiastically whack my husband hard in the nuts before every walk. Im pretty sure it's ment as a sign of affection but he doesn't appreciate it.
  6. I wanted another hound but wasn't sure how they would fit in and how much extra work it would be so I'm fostering. So far I'm finding it more difficult than expected but it's been really helpful to have a trial run.
  7. Could you play her favourite game with her while slowly getting closer to the vent? No pressure on the dog, just lots of distraction and praise. If she looks uncomfortable you give her a bit more space and carry on with the game. As a temporary solution I would keep the heat off while she's in the house. Stick it on a timer or get an app to turn it on when you are out walking her. We did this with the air con last summer because my dog hates drafts.
  8. You're a middle aged couple with no kids but your bedroom floor is littered with cuddly toys.
  9. He's probably telling you that he likes to sleep naked. I wouldn't push it, my girl will wear a coat but if she thinks I'm overdressing her then she goes all wriggly and tries to escape. I made her a simple coat that's a single layer of fleece, lined with an old jersey cotton sheet. It's lighter than anything I could find pre-made and she's much happier to put it on. She won't wear anything indoors but has duvets and Sherpa blankets to snuggle into.
  10. I've swapped from STAS to the 7 day reactivity challenge - £7 for 7 days of content. I couldn't resist at that price point given how much we love STAS. So far it's been perfectly targeted to my grey who is both nervous and excitable around other animals but it's going to take much longer than 7 days to get good at some of the games/techniques. These are a few links from rescue week. We have found the optimism building ones very helpful. https://game.absolute-dogs.com/growing-confidence https://game.absolute-dogs.com/multi-dog-household https://game.absolute-dogs.com/rescue-dog-s-and-kids https://game.absolute-dogs.com/separation-struggles
  11. I follow a similar routine with my girl (ex racer, straight from kennels) but we do an additional pee break just before bed. She has had one accident but she had an upset tummy at the time. Now that the days are so short it's no longer possible to get a full hour in before/after work. Im sure we will be back to 3 hour sniffaris when the evenings are long and warm again.
  12. They have loads of free resources but it's hard to find them if your not part of their Facebook group. Try this one: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://absolutedog.s3.amazonaws.com/OptimismROCKS_08.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjCo42zqeXzAhWeBmMBHdugCh8QFnoECAUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1sMcvU5kRjD2tq56lgkKQv
  13. I'm on day 17 of the challenge and really enjoying it. It doesn't feel like a chore like traditional obedience training and the difference in my hound is incredible. She's way more playful, affectionate, trusting and less reactive to other dogs. We haven't actively worked in the recall bits yet but we do play on-lead and in the house. So far most of the games are fine to do indoors but you may want to lower the energy levels. We have made a bit of a mess while tearing through the house together. I do think they could show more training sessions with larger dogs/more reserved dogs. They mostly use very active and excitable small to medium size dogs for demos but they constantly encourage you to be creative and change the games to suit you/your dog. All the games would theoretically work with a greyhound but I'm pretty short so the ones where you need to get the dog running through your legs etc don't work for us. Even skipping those games I think we will have plenty of fun stuff to do for the next 2-3 months once you include all the free ebooks and videos and of course we repeat games. After that I suspect I will be buying another course.
  14. Could have been a bee/wasp sting. It's wasp die off time here and those stings can be really sore. If the dog doesn't realise what happened then it's really scary for them too. You could also look up 'trigger stacking', the basic idea is that your dog can only take a certain amount of stimulation (good and bad) before he gets overwhelmed. We have been doing the 'sexier than a squirrel challenge' by Absolute Dogs with our nervous girl. It's designed to help you get your dog off lead but we are mainly doing it to build confidence and trust. It's inexpensive and my hound thinks it's the most fun thing ever.
  15. My hound would find it very stressful to be tied to a desk in an open plan office. If there was a a comfy and secluded spot for her like a store room then she would likely slink there herself. There are no guarantees but I think you have a good chance getting this to work with a retired grey. I know some of my local group take their dogs to the office.
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