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Posts posted by smurfette

  1. I often read that people fight the big D with their pups and decided to share a receipt for an old home remedy from Germany that really helps a great deal.


    500g carrots (fresh) cooked in 1l water. Pass them through a sieve and put water to the carrots until you have 1l again (water and carrots together). A little bit of salt - not fully teaspoon.


    Feed it in little servings during the day.

  2. My mom's older poodle had anaplsmosis. Their is a titer test for anaplsmosis because my vet did one (more than one over the years) on Gaylen. I can ask my vet for the name of it if you like. Paddy and I are due to some laser treatment on Monday.

    If you like some more information what to look out for I can ask my mom.

  3. Most people may think I'm a little crazy with my supplements....maybe.

    There are my herbs like melissa, St. Johns wort and gingko.

    Melissa boosts the immune system and helps with pain relief.

    St. Johns wort is known for neurological issues, even repairing nerve damages and

    Gingko improves the blood flow in the brain and therefor helps a great deal with geriatric problems like doggy dementia.

    Brewer's yeast for fur, collagile for joints and tendons and rice bran oil helps building up muscle mass (or better keeps them from getting lost).


    I know, I may sound like some crazy witch but I have 3 pups, age 7, 11 and 6 weeks shy of 13 and they don't need any medication. And my oid boys are still up to 2 hour walks.


    And physiotherapy every 4 weeks, even if there are no problems.

  4. Welcome from Germany. I never used a crate but tried a baby gate once. My blue boy Paddy just ran it down (no injuries) so I just let him roam free. No more problems.... as long as everything interesting is in the cupboards ;-)

  5. When one of my boys growled at me when I had to do something like preventing him from swallowing that piece of toy you mentioned I tell him to stop it with my voice of god. I'm 100% for positive reinforcement but sometimes you just need to be strict (is that the right word?).

    Dogs don't do democracy. And in a possible life and dead situation I need to be able to stop them from doing themselves harm.

  6. Talk to your vet about pt. When he thinks it is okay I would invest in a regular therapy. I take my boys every 4 weeks when the have no issues just for prevention. I have seen a severe limping galgo with stiffened neck muscles and he just had a blockade in his toe joints. But his owner and his vet never thought about that.

    For nerve issues I put St. Johns Wort on my boys diet and hypericum droplets in their water (it is the same plant). Hypericum is known to help a great deal with nerves pain and even to repair nerve damages.

    Andy had severe tremors in his hint legs. He was shaking like a leave and walked really stiffly and obviously in pain. He got pain meds in the beginning because trying to avoid certainly movements results in even more stiffed muscles. We started on pt and hypericum and today he is pain-free and on no medication.

  7. I just read it and I am so so very sorry for your loss. The card of Paddy with Santa hangs still on my dining room wall. I always loved your stories about him - the other Paddy, the one who could have been my Paddy's teacher in the art of mayhem.

    I'm sending hugs and keep you in my thoughts.


    My limited language skills be damned because I can't describe the sorrow I feel in the depth of my heart.

  8. There are other ways. You can work with herbal or homeopathic remedies without side effects. Ask a holistic vet if there is one in your area. Or you can pm me. I work with those remedies for years - arthritis, tremors, dementia related systems.

    I have 3 hounds - 7, 11 and 12 and none of them is on some kind of meds.

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