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Posts posted by smurfette

  1. So you know someone with a nice small dog. You can walk together. Or when you encounter someone with a small dog ask him or her to talk a little with a distance, no interaction between the dogs - so Norman can look at the other and realize that there is no danger.

    He will need time.

    But the foremost thing is you must be relaxed when encountering other dogs. When you are nervous Norman will feel it and he will react to your insecurity.


    When I got Andy from his previous owner he tried to attack every big dog he met. He had been bit in his head. There is still a scar on his face. A worked with a friend of mine and her bin black incredible friendly large lab cross. Andy attacked him, never bit him but tried to scare him off. Phoenix just stood there and waited. After 3 times meeting them Andy realized that the big black meant no harm and relaxed. This only worked because Phoenix is such a great dog.


    And you might consider to take some rescue remedy before you go for walks - both of you if you feel nervous.

    I hope your daughter is well, too for such an attack can be very traumatizing.

  2. The problem is not the flexi. It is the people who do not use it properly. I would never recommend it on a grey - please don't get me wrong but it can be a good source to let your (small) dog roam a little in the right environment, alone in the woods for example - and always with a strap to your hand.

  3. WOW, Great job with the training. I am curious how long it took you to train Paddy with this long lead ? I am wondering if Ruby would love to wander a bit more.

    Paddy is a very fast learner. It took him 2 times to exactly get what he was supposed to do and to stay in range and to come back when called. It helped that I have dried lung that he loves for training treats. After that we started on sending (left, right, forward) and commands like stay, wait from distance.

    Paddy needs to work because he gets into all kind of misschief when he gets bored.


    In a fenced area we work off lead. I love this sort of distance training with my greys because they don't have to sit or down in command (but of course they can). It is a form of building a bond and learning to trust.

    We start with coming when called and than move to sending. It is greyt fun for everyone.


    But of course when they thought to much it's always.... Zoom Zoom.... letting loose some concentration energy (therefor fenced area 😉).

  4. And my mom is a trainer for sar dogs. I learned from her how to use a long line correctly AND to always wear gloves. And a long line with a collar is absolutely a no go.


    Oh, and I forgot to mention that the long line is a tool for training. That means constant interaction, observing. It is not for just walking.

  5. These are the fruits of our labour. I always train recall with my boys even if they will never be able to walk off lead. For this I have a 10 metres line with a knot at 8 metres.

    We go for a walk and I let the line run through my fingers until I reach the knot (always make sure to wear my riding gloves). Than I call for my boy to stop and to come back to me. After just a few sessions Paddy knew exactly how long his range is. He even stops and just looks when we encounter bunnies or deer - no crazy hunting dance, screaming or running off. He is such s good boy (but he knows exactly ghst he is on line. I would not trust him without). I'm so proud of my crazy blue boy.











    Sorry for the crappy quality. My cell phone is as old as time.

  6. I ordered a pack of it and we started to take it. We - as in all my boys and I.

    I feel better and have more energy, also losing weight. And there is less pain in my joints. I can get up in the morning without feeling like 100 years old. 😉

    It also seems to help Andy and Colin with their mobility. And they developed a coat like velvet.

    I guess it was a good idea... but it tastes aweful... 😉

  7. Does he still have the reflexes in his knees when he is laying down?

    Andy lost them in both legs due to a bulging disc in his spine. He is on a daily dose of metacam.

    When it is arthritis you could try msm. It is a very strong anti-oxidant and highly anti-inflammatory and therefor helps with the pain. No side effects because it is organic other than diarrhea if overdosed.

  8. Had this problem with Colin who is 13. Took a sample to the vet and we found out he has chronical kidney insufficience due to old age. He gets some holistic medicine based on solidago and is much better now.

    Let the vet check blood and urine.


    Increased drinking without readon (like stealing a big fat ham at grandma's) is always a hint that something is not right.

  9. Happy birthday, beautiful Paddy. I still have your picture with Santa that came with last years christmas card pinned to the wall in my dining room.

    Your adventures made me laugh a lot. Today we think of you and raise a glas to honor a personality larger than life.

    Colin, the other Paddy and your real cousin Andy from across the waters.

  10. Do you have arnica c30? This helps great with pain, swelling and bleeding. I mostly start my boys on arnica a week before dentals.

    Andy had to have 5 teeth removed, even needed stitches. He didn't bleed much, didn't need pain meds and could eat his normal raw diet in the evening after the anaesthesia was off.

  11. Everything is new to her. Imagine someone grabbed you, put you on Mars and told you to be Happy that you can live there.....oh - and don't mind the locals.

    This is how she feels, scared and confused.

    You need time, patience and lots of delicious treats. Hand feeding is a good choice. She has to associate you with everything positive. Let her come to you.

    When she has to go she will mostly get restless. Than it's time for a short walk, lots of praise and treaties. Walk the same route every time so that she can get comfortable with her new environment.


    Oh....and we'd like a picture. 😉

  12. I got mine from a german company - because I live here but it's originally for horses. (A horse is on the package). But I don't think that makes a difference (hopefully).


    I literally live in a horse town - means everything is about horses here. It is a small town but it has the stables where all our olympic horses live and train, famous for breeding - horses like Halla or Totilas were from here.

    You can buy everything healthy for pets... but they are mostly for horses.

  13. Does anyone of you have experiences with msm (methylsulfonylmethan) in greyhounds?

    I want to try it on my boy Andy who has mobility problems due to his back end and hips (doc says old age and many races in his youth catching up with him).

  14. It is also very impolite for a dog to approach another face to face and he can feel your insecurity. Try turning around when you see another dog to avoid them staring at each other or keep yourself between your boy and the other dog. This staring contest is the first step. Whrn you intercept it it will be easier for you to walk past other dogs.

    You can just wait until they walk past you while you are blocking your boy's view with your body.

  15. You need a bed for him, soft and a little thicker because they easily get sores on their elbows. Water and food bow, lead and either collar or harness...


    I just let a new grey arrive, give him time to look around and so all the things I would normally do and let him observe. And don't bd afraid if he goes straight for his new bed and sleeps for hours. All those new things are mentally exhausting.

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