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Posts posted by smurfette

  1. This picture is my answer to your question.




    When I adopted this boy he had a history of attacking everything that annoyed him and severe sleep aggression. He was adopted by a nice couple who had to return him after she got pregnant and was afraid because of the child. In his foster home he tried to kill a galgo because that young boy annoyed him (e-vet performed a miracle on the poor boy).

    We gave him space, time and patience....and a muzzle in certain situation. He loves to cuddle, is super mellow but can turn into a werewolf in the next moment. It may sound strange but the more we learned to deal with his moods the more relaxed he became.

    It helped to give him a place for his own (one that he liked) where the other boys are not allowed. I sent him there when he got snarky. It was like he didn't know how to get out of a for him nerve wrecking situation without violence.


    Oh and have the blood work checked. Low thyroid levels can lead to aggression.

  2. You can ask your vet to take a pee sample. When the liver is danaged there will most likely be protein in the urine.

    I am at this point with my boy Colin. A special kidney diet will reduce the protein. But when the body needs the protein it will take it from the muscles and it will again be filtrated through the kidneys. Damaging them further and loosing muscle mass and weight.

    Colín is 12, 13 on Tuesday, and his vet and I decided to let him eat his normal diet and only give him meds to help with his kidney functions.


    Hoping all goes well for your pup.

  3. No. Our vet gave us the anti-inflammation painkillers and said we should try them for 3 weeks and after that lower the dose. I have an appointment with Paddy next week and will ask her about lumbosacral stenosis and x-rays for I have never experienced something like this before.

  4. Some days ago I saw that Andy scraped the nails on his back feet on the street during walkies. I took him to his physiotherapist because I thought it had something to so with his hips - sacroiliac joints blockade, I thought. But she discovered that he has no reflexes in both patellas - has to be spine related. We don't think it is a real prolapse because he can do potty just fine.


    So we try physiotherapy, holistic medicine and some light dose of anti-inflammation painkiller. In the evening he walked much better, could even do the stairs to sleep in our bedroom all by himself (I always thought he needed help with the stairs because he slipped on them some time ago).


    Has someone experienced something like this with their grey?

  5. I can also be a kind of doggie dementia. Colin starts panting when it is getting darker outside - in the evening, during heavy rain.... He is fine the whole day but gets restless in the evening. He will be 13 in July.

    He is in some homeopathic remedy and it helps well.

  6. When Colin started to loose weight and getting insecure on the tile floor I put paths of rugs throughout the house for him to move from room to room. In additon I spoke with his physiotherapist and she recommended to feed rice bran oil and give him 5 globules of conium c30 once a week. It helped really well.

    And I would keep a tight rein on that son of yours. Everyone who would scare one of my dogs or just knowingly makes him uncomfortable would get introduced to the scarier side of my personality.

  7. She is totally new to a life so different from anything she ever knew. Of course, she is on high alert and stressed. Imagine someone would grab you, dump you into the malaysian jungle and tell you... this is your new home. You will be fine. Would you be super relaxed and cool? I guess not - nobody would.

    She needs time and patience. Her behaviour will change over time. Keep her on lead outsides all the time. Not only because she would run off but it is her lifeline, her connection to you in this new world. It gives her security. She needs it.

  8. We are talking about a dog that is used to live in a cage. Many people crate their greys. I don't believe that under normal circumstances greys destroy the rooms they are kept in. None of mine ever did and they never tried to break into a room either. It is how you introduce that concept of the closed door to your grey, just like all other kinds of training, too.

    I often confine my boys to one room when I carry in groceries, dog food, clean the floors... or even when I go out and don't want them to roam the house and they don't mind. They are just used to it. Of course, I always keep water and more dog beds than greys in the same room - more beds than dogs means no ressource guarding.

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