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Posts posted by smurfette

  1. You might want to look into solidago compositum by heel. It is an amazing remedy for kidneys. There is a therapy called suc - therapy (solidago compositum, ubichinon compositum, coenzym compisitum) but I don't know if it is available in the US.

  2. If you want to look into homeopathy I can help you - pm me if you like. In the meantime keep him warm, hot water bottle if he let's you. Put him under a blanket with it but not directly on his back. Saint Johns wort (hypericum perforatum) is the herb of choice. Add it to his diet (1 teaspoon per meal).It is known to help with nerve damages.

    To build up muscle mass you can add rice bran oil to his diet.

  3. Andy will be 12 in February. Last week I started him on onsior for his back pain. He came to me 7 years ago with a tremor in his hind legs. It was so bad he couldn't stand for a longer time without his legs shaking badly.

    I took him to physiotherapy and accupuncture and he thrieved on it. De went to a monthly appointment and upped the visits to every 2 weeks as he got older.

    All my greys profit from those visits - even Saoirse who will be 2 next month gets massages to loosen her muscles and to watch out for blockades. Over the years I never experienced pulled muscles or tendons during running or zooming.

    I, too believe in high quality food as a prevention. I feed raw - beef from my region without genetic tampered food or sheep from my friend's herd. They eat better than me.

    In addition I work with healing herbs and homeopathy.

    Colin who passed 13,5 years old after a spinal stroke never needed regular meds. I even found a remedy for his beginning dementia.


    I love dogs in all state of age - every timespan is special but the seniors are my favourite. Everything is more relaxed (and slightly impaired vision is great for long off leash walks, says Andy who just can't see little critters in the distance anymore).

  4. Happy New Year and welcome from Germany.

    Be careful - once you adopted a grey you will become addicted to these wonderful creatures. You will join our cult (club) and become a crazy greyhound person whose home and car will become more and more greyhound themed. 😉

    Strangers will stalk you in the streets just to tell you that they love your dog and tell you about their own greyhound(s) - and you will do the same whenever you see someone walking a grey.😁

    And it is not uncommon that a second or a third grey will join the first.


    And you will love every second of it.💖

  5. Which kind of symptoms does the dog have?


    Gastro intestinal - Tylosin, Ampillicin, Amoxicilin, Metranidazol, Clindamyzin

    And you can give lactulose to reduce the amount of the bacteria.


    Tetanus - high dosage of penicillin and tetanus anti-toxin.


    Botulism - botulism anti-toxin, induced coma, infusions, ventilator


    And of course vet asap - every second counts in this one.

  6. Do you you have access to a physiotherapy? They can help you with accupuncture. The problem that may occur is that due to the problems with one leg he will try to compensate and gets blockades (most likely sacroiliac).

    You can also give hypericum (homeopathic remedy). It is the equivalent to arnica for all neurological problems.

    If he wants to move let him. Slow and steady movement.

  7. I made good experiences with conium (a homeopathic remedy) when Colin showed signs of dementia. With it he was clearer, less anxious and he walked steadier.

    He had kidney damage and I treated him with renes viscum and wanted to change to the suc-therapy - both are holistic but sadly he passed do to a spinal stroke.

    You can also put Bach's rescue remedy into her drinking water. It may help with the fear.

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