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Posts posted by CharlieRhea

  1. I personally don't like rawhide as it gets gummy and gross and makes their hair sticky. For a realy aggressive chewer they can be dangerous if they swallow too big a piece. And you definitely want to be careful of the source.


    I prefer good old meaty soup marrow bones from the butcher, bully sticks, or deer antlers if you have a dog that is interested in them (some have reported that soaking them in broth makes them more appealing for pickier dogs).

    I agree with you , raw hide was popular for years but it isn't easily digested in the stomach. I soak antlers in no salt beef broth and also give knee caps that can be found in smaller pet food stores.

  2. Neylasmom I just went to the site and see it isn't the Wellness pet food. Anyhow, i'm with you that it is safe but not to get carried away in the amount you feed. Garlic on the other hand in small quantities is touted to keep fleas away.

    I work with a woman from Switzerland who said they used to feed chocolate to their dogs with no ill effect *rolling eyes* I think I will not

    follow her tradition.

  3. Thank you everyone for your suggestions. I think I will go with the Kozy kennel muzzle.

    Greyt-dog-lover, I agree about the training which is what I started with. I still need a muzzle to be able to initially walk Charlie without

    fear of him nipping me in situations. I am hoping with the use of the muzzle and training I will resolve this.

    I am hoping to get back to where I don't need the muzzle for walks as we used to do.

  4. I've used it for years and it has worked very well. Make sure it is extra virgin coconut oil and start slowly and gradually build up the amount in order to prevent stomach upset and diarrhea. Some people start with a teaspoon per day and work their way up over about a month. Generally recommended amount is one tablespoon per 30 lbs. So a 60 lb. dog would get 2 tablespoons daily once they've build up their tolerance.


    It's also good to use in place of toothpaste for brushing teeth. Unrefined (virgin) coconut oil has natural antibacterial properties.

    I 2nd that! I buy it at Whole Foods Market in my area, any good market should carry it. Coconut oil is easily digested.
  5. Thanks for the input Redhead. The leather one I saw was not for protection dogs and the basket muzzle I have does not have that strip which is why I don't use it. I saw some basket muzzles with padding for Greys online too, that's what I will most likely go with. Thanks again










    thanks a-daerr The leather one would have been made to order with 2-3 extra inches circumference so the dog can pant, breath easily. I didn't like the look of the metal ones but they probably are good. Thinking I will stick to and go with a well padded basket type.

  6. I tried a search here about muzzles but couldn't find it. I have a question on a muzzle other than a basket type. I

    found a leather one on line and wondered

    if anyone uses this rather than a basket type.

    Charlie wasn't on the race track so isn't as accustomed to them as the other greys would be. Yes he wore one at the

    shelter when going out with other dogs but i'm just wondering if leather

    would be more comfy. I'll try to post a picture. It is from Leerburg and not the police type.


    my emoticons and links don't seem to work. I did see some padded basket ones also and maybe this would be better. The one I have is too hard and I don't use it.


    reason I need one: He was attacked by an off leash dog a year ago, I know there are many stories like that and it is



    Sometimes on our walk he will get reactive when he sees a strange dog and has redirected a nip towards me in his

    excitement. Of course I know he doesn't mean to hurt me and then feels badly but I can't be nervous taking him on walks anymore and worry about being bitten. I used to love our long walks but now unless there are no other dogs around

    besides my other dog, i'm always on hyper alert. btw when he was attacked I foolishly stepped in between to protect him. Luckily Charlie lunged at the dog and nipped him which made the dog back up in time for the idiot owner to get him. This off leash dog had bitten a jogger two months prior. Good thing I know the ACO in my town since that dog is never

    off leash anymore but the damage is done. I did hire a trainer after that happened initially, I may need that again but for now I need to not feel nervous on our walks and I want him comfortable. Thanks for any help

  7. I agree about the possibility of counterfeit products online. Years ago i ordered Frontline and although my dogs had no problem i won't do that again. I read after the fact that some online meds come from China so i'd never risk it.


    I have two Vets, one close and one a distance away who is homeopathic and traditional. They suggest every 45 days and that's what i have done for years. My closer vet sells it one at a time or 6 packs, however you want. Don't skimp CleverJason, 30 yrs ago i skipped a couple months of heartguard, i was young and ignorant about how prevalent heartworm was even then. My Afghan got heartworm but luckily came through with arsenic, that's what they used then. So please always get your dog tested once a year and give the heartguard, i'm sure you will.


    d. There is so much crap/counterfeit products being sold online it's scary. Remember old ole saying--you get what you pay for??? I understand budgets--believe you me but, cutting corners on medications--wouldn't recommend it-esp when giving heartworm preventive. Some folks will say that they never experienced any woes from online medication purchased but, do you really know if they are doing as they say?? I will admit-I'm terrible about applying flea and tick products on my own dogs--I haven't see a tick or flea on any of my dogs in years (hope I'm not jinxing myself)---but, someone could say the same thing after applying online frontline--of course they would say it's working --a great buy--but, is it really working or have you just been lucky like me??
    Ok-hopping off of soapbox now :-)
  8. Abby is a cutie!

    I've had German Shepherds all my life and a wonderful Afghan Hound 30 yrs ago. Greyhounds are a little different, mostly I see, now that I've had Charlie for 2 yrs, my male Greyhound,

    they are the most affectionate dogs and like to be with their people.

    Glad to read Abby did better last night. She will get used to her new life which is so much different. Keep us updated!

    Afterthought: I worked at the shelter where Charlie was before I adopted him. He was the one that ripped up his blankets all the time.

    I know it was boredom and the fact that he didn't want to be in his stall. I don't crate him and he doesn't rip anything up, only the 1st week here would he go after things with foam rubber for some reason. Again, stay in touch with us!

  9. I'm sure more ppl will weigh in on this. I'm sure they will eventually work it out but I know their welfare is foremost. I would crate them


    in the same room, to me keeping them separate won't allow them to bond. I feed my dogs together but do put my older dogs food bowl down first.


    Can you feed them at a distance from each other and watch them for awhile to see that there isn't food aggression? I'll be back!

  10. Thanks, I was just reading about EPI again, it is sort of looking like he might have that, the article I read mentioned bacteria in the intestines and he kept having that as well. I am really hoping the enzymes will show an improvement soon. I think she gave me enough tablets for the 2-3 week period that we are going to try it. I'll check with her about checking B12 also, thanks.


    Adaerr, I know plenty of people on here feed Iams and it works great for them, but I'm not crazy about the ingredients and rather not feed it. I'd also hate to be masking a medical problem by feeding it. Now that he has lost weight, there is more to it than the loose stool, and that's why the vet ran bloodwork.

    Maybe tablets are new but I've only heard of the pancreatic enzyme powder. You mix it in their food and let sit for about 20 minutes. What it does is actually digest the food before the dog eats it, it is needed IF your dog has something like this where he can't digest food on his

    own due to issues with the pancreas. My dog needed antibiotics for a long time to rid her of the bacteria due to SIBO. Not saying that your

    pup has this but if he does don't worry. My German Shepherd, the one with the EPI is now 12 yrs old and doing great! She has put on weight,

    still thin but not wasting away like she once was. I'd rather her on the thin side at her age anyway. Hang in and good luck and keep chin up!

    PS Charlie my Greyhound is on much fewer treats as I think he has put on too much weight! I think it is because of years of trying to put

    weight on Rhea my GSD. Different dogs, different needs!

  11. Hi gryhnd 3 Hope your pup is doing better. That EPI site I mentioned is where I purchase pancreatic enzymes from. Just thought i'd share as it is far less expensive than from the Vet. I would still get it through your Vet and see if it helps put weight on after a few weeks.

    Also, sometimes B12 is low and shots of B12 can be given weekly for a month, after it is determined by a blood test that is.

    Keep us up to date!

    btw I printed a page from the epi4dogs.com website for my Vet and she gives it to some patients with tummy problems as info.

    The woman who runs that site has done extensive research with Vets.

    OP, you seem reluctant to try the IAMS. Just curious if there's a particular concern you have?

    I'll probably get some flack for writing this as i'm sure many people feed Iams and their dogs do well. Read the ingredients, corn and other

    fillers does not make for the best food. Eventually it catches up to you health wise.

  12. The following site helped me immensely with one of my dogs who has EPI She always had "mashed potato " stools and lost a lot of weight in spite of feeding her a lot. Even if it is not EPI, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, it covers IBS, SIBO and many other related conditions.


    I feed a couple of tablespoons of pumpkin to both my dogs, even the one without issues.

  13. Perhaps a bellyband might be a good idea. They usually stop when they feel them get damp. Your boy sounds like confining him makes him really anxious if he's breaking out of his crate. Is he being left too many hours, perhaps. Good luck.

    Perhaps a bellyband might be a good idea. They usually stop when they feel them get damp. Your boy sounds like confining him makes him really anxious if he's breaking out of his crate. Is he being left too many hours, perhaps. Good luck.

    agree, my 12 yr old has incontinence when she is sleeping sometimes. Putting a cloth dog diaper keeps everything dry including her. That being said, my situation is age related. You know your dog, where would he feel most comfortable? I used to gate off areas when mine were pups.

    Just thought of this....There are pee pads with scent to attract dogs. Maybe one near a door he goes out might help.

  14. Hi FordRacingRon

    My 12 yr old German Shepherd female has "Sundowners" It typically began as the sun was setting and she would pace, not come to us, which was

    highly unusual, generally a nervous wreck. I took her to my vet because I wanted Rhea, my GSD, to be comfortable. I had asked about a

    sedative but my Vet suggested a supplement. It has worked wonders! It is called Zylkene and is casein and magnesium. It took about 3 days to get into her system. She gets 1 capsule daily. She has always been a little noise reactive even when young but she is much better. She now

    sleeps comfortably and is not drugged. I suggested this to a friend whose young rescue is always nervous. Her dog will now go up to people, she NEVER did before. She is still skittish but the Zylkene helped immensely.

    I get it through my Vet, $50.00 a month for the highest dose 450 mg. You can buy it online also, it is not a prescription but so far my Vet is less expensive. Please try, it can't hurt. It has been available in UK and I believe Canada for awhile but new in the US. Best of Luck!

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