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Everything posted by 2greyhoundMINI

  1. Definitely have the muzzle on him. Last night we had them on leases while the cats were in the room with us. He seems fine if they are laying around... it's when they start moving that gets him fixated. For now we are keeping them on a close, supervised watch when the cats are around. We are also working on distracting him when he does fixate. Thx for the response!
  2. Absolutely! We have a great yard too they can run around in. Where in West Chester are you? We are right off Grove Rd.
  3. Thanks everyone! I need to get my butt in gear and get a good sig pic together
  4. Hi gang! This is what, my third post? Anyway, We just brought home 2 greyhounds. we did like the rescue said and brought them in on leases, muzzles on. We have 3 cats, so we slowly let them walk up to one of them. She hissed instantly and smacked them both in the face. This I was told, is good. So June is scared of the cats and wants nothing to do with them... Sydney, on the other hand, is very fixated on them. So far we haven't let them just roam the house. We take them on walks around the house on leases (although Sydney doesn't do stairs yet)- yes, another hurdle to deal with, so he has had less interaction with the cats. Last night we brought one of the cats down to them (they were on their leases and muzzles on). June backed away immediately, but Sydney remained fixated. I tried squirting him with a water bottle and telling him no kitty, but it didn't phase him. To break his stare I had to walk in front of him and push him off to the side. We were going to try and bring a cat down again tonight for a little more "socializing". Is there anything else we can do? Something different? I'm in no rush, but I want to make sure I'm doing the right thing for all the pets. Thx in advance! -Monica
  5. @ Nessa- Ha! We are in West Chester as well! Small world! @ Houndtime- Yes, they are from GAA Let's see if I can post some pics here: Here they are the day we got them. At the meet n'greet in Cherry Hill Saturday. And here they are from this afternoon at home. Sydney is the brindle, June is the fawn.
  6. Hey gang! My husband David and I (Monica) just adopted our first 2 greyhounds..... A 5 yr old male named Sydney, and a 4 yr old female named June. They had been at the rescue the longest so we felt we needed to take them both home with us. I found this forum in hopes of learning as much as I can.
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