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Everything posted by Beachbum1

  1. One of the rare occasions when all of him was on his bed....and his head wasn't resting on something as hard as a rock .
  2. Taylor loves his bolster bed, and when it's on top of his Costco bed, he is a HAPPY BOY!
  3. Taylor and I are on the same grooming schedule: every 4 weeks I get a haircut, and every 4 weeks he gets his nails trimmed for $7.00. No....not at the same place . Taylor gets his work done at the groomers.
  4. I get Taylor the odor-free jumbo sized 12" Bully Sticks from Bestbully.com and according to his vets, his teeth are great. They don't see soft at all. They have 10% off specials around once a month and I buy them in the 25 pack.
  5. The changeover in food started 2 weeks ago, and the past few days has been mostly the new food.
  6. Taylor had his first dose of Rimadyl Monday at 3:00 PM. Normal (light brown) poop this morning at 7:00 AM. Had his second dose this morning at 7:15 AM. He had a much darker, formed poop at 10:00 AM. He seems fine, otherwise. Has anyone else see darker colored poops when on this stuff??
  7. Of course Taylor would never mark inside :hehe I have had males and females. The males never marked. The female marked only because of a medical condition. I agree with fostering both sexes, fall in love and then adopt that foster and you have flunked fostering 101 That's true....it would require him standing up
  8. Taylor, my boy, has never marked inside anywhere in the 9 months I have had him.
  9. YEAH BULLITT!! French fries AND graham crackers for all!!
  10. I am so sorry about the loss of your sweet boy
  11. Can you try recording him on a webcam to see how long he stays quiet and when he gets whiny?
  12. Taylor might play with a toy for 15 seconds, and that's only once every couple of weeks. I think I could get him more interested in a stuffy if I covered it in peanut butter, but that's about it. Taylor conserves energy.....playing with toys is too much like work
  13. Oh - that DEFINITELY sounds like the voice of experience!!! Before I switched food - I'd definately have his poop checked at the vet's. Lots of dogs come with worms. It's NOT a big deal usually - some medication will fix it. But if your dog has worms, no food switching is going to fix that. Also - your dog is on a new food. Sounds like you switched him cold-turkey, and that can take a while to get sorted out. I'm NOT criticizing - but a fast food change can cause issues. You may want to wait before switching again. Add canned pumpkin to his food. A couple tablespoons. It's a fiber-rich binder. NOT NOT NOT pumpkin pie mix. If that doesn't help - if he's worm-free, I'd go half kibble, half rice with pumpkin for a week. If that doesn't work - get back to us. I'd go bland diet then, and start over. Oh - that DEFINITELY sounds like the voice of experience!!! Before I switched food - I'd definately have his poop checked at the vet's. Lots of dogs come with worms. It's NOT a big deal usually - some medication will fix it. But if your dog has worms, no food switching is going to fix that. Also - your dog is on a new food. Sounds like you switched him cold-turkey, and that can take a while to get sorted out. I'm NOT criticizing - but a fast food change can cause issues. You may want to wait before switching again. Add canned pumpkin to his food. A couple tablespoons. It's a fiber-rich binder. NOT NOT NOT pumpkin pie mix. If that doesn't help - if he's worm-free, I'd go half kibble, half rice with pumpkin for a week. If that doesn't work - get back to us. I'd go bland diet then, and start over. If you choose to switch foods at and point - do it GRADUALLY. Mix the old and the new in decreasing quantities of the old every day for a week or 2. Until you get to all new. I haven't tried the paper plates yet, but if I do, I will not use the really cheap ones that will bend so everything falls on my shoes.
  14. Just make sure your aim is good.....or at least take off your watch and rings, LOL
  15. That is hilarious!!! Is he sucking the water in like an elephant? LOLOLOLOL
  16. This is INCORRECT! Here is a quote from Michael F Picco, MD at the Mayo Clinic. from Michael F. Picco, M.D. Digestion time varies depending on the individual. For most healthy adults, it's usually between 24 and 72 hours. After you eat, it takes about six to eight hours for food to pass through your stomach and small intestine. Food then enters your large intestine (colon) for further digestion and absorption of water. Elimination of undigested food residue through the large intestine usually begins after a total of 24 hours. Complete elimination from the body may take several days. However, every rule has an exception - McDonald's french fries clean out my system in less than 1/2 hour. McDonald's chicken nuts......I'm lucky to make it out of the restaurant
  17. Taylor's appetite seems to be the same even though the heat index here in South Florida has been in the 90's for weeks and weeks. Walks are another matter. He seems to forget (EVERY TIME), that the walk he is so excited to go do is something that makes him slow down like a turtle and I get this look "I don't wanna walk anymore....I am hot...I am tired.....carry me home". But, he trots right along each time we go to Lowe's and go "shopping" in air conditioned comfort.
  18. How much time do you take between giving heartworm medication, and flea and tick medication??
  19. It's been boiling hot here in South Florida for a month or so and no more long (45-60 minute) walks at this time. We go "shopping" at Lowe's a couple of times a week. That gets Taylor two 15 minute rides (and he LOVES going in the car), and then maybe 20+ minutes of wandering around a nice big air conditioned store, with clean wide aisles. He gets some exercise, plus lots of attention from workers and customers, too.
  20. WOW......but in error, I showed this to Taylor and now he is pestering me to buy him one. :hope
  21. What dose Trazodone do you give her, and how much does she weigh? Glad to hear she stayed comfy.
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