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Posts posted by XTRAWLD

  1. I love hearing the thump thump when mine is playing around with his stuffies. Very animated with their feet. If sleeping with me I very often get kicked awake because of his dreaming. They just like to touch. :) Keep in mind, they are home all day and don't have an outlet, while you have many other things to keep you busy.... it's her way of playing and asking for some attention but it is pretty normal.

  2. Mmhmm she likes her personal space, who can blame her as I'm sure a lot of us relate. Re: the almost tumble of your husband on her when she was running, actually most dogs might normally growl because what happened was totally unexpected. She is totally communicating with you, you are right. Stay attentive. :)


    She also seems to be 6 months new, so she is still settling in and finding her place in the world.

  3. I had really good natured boys, yes easy to say as an accident can happen at any time, but I never muzzled either boy when not home. When Ryder came home he loved his crate, and when I wasnt home he was closed up in his crate and Kasey had run of the house. When it was time, I began just leaving the door open and not locking him up. He preferred to lay in there anyway, and when I noticed his preference was to spend more time out of the crate than in it (which took a few months), the crate went away and they coexisted peacefully for the rest of Kasey's life, both free roaming in the house. They had separate beds and separate feeding stations but everything else was shared. Good luck. Transition is always a nail biting time.


    Edited to add: If i would have left a muzzle on Kasey in the house unsupervised I think he would actually hurt himself and probably cause damage to the house. He hated wearing it. If they were ever to be "confined" together though in a small area, say in a car side by side, muzzles were definitely on. Since you are just concerned with figuring out house rules, I think you are fine, but if you keep them in a smaller space where neither can really get away from eachother during the day (like in a car or a small room) would be a different story. They will figure out who is boss and they will have rules bounded by eachother and will be able to coexist. :) You have the added benefit of seeing how they act together when you are home, and I think if one was a huge alpha, you'd have more reservations about removing the muzzles than in your initial post

  4. I'm sure more people will chime in, but as you know these guys used to be high performing athletes, so there is a lot of wear and tear on their bodies. The plate aside, he might also be suffering from arthritis. I have been chasing a mystery limp for years and it turned out to be an issue with the discs in his neck. So while the limp could be a result of the leg and the plate directly, I'm trying to highlight that it could also be because of pain elsewhere in the body. Is he on any supplements?

  5. I found 2 jet black whiskers in 2 days. Any ideas what could cause this? Ryder is certainly not at his peak of health but is whisker loss (not fur) a symptom of something else? (If it matters, he's missing the ones between eye and ear on one side...he's just got the dimple for it now)

  6. I think you might be trying TOO many different foods and additives. You gotta pick something easy and stick with it for a few days (preferably longer) before switching to something else. These guys have very sensitive systems and trying this one meal, and then that another, and something else another time without consistency is bound to encourage further problems, and then you can't even figure out what it was that was the trigger when D does flare up if it's not worms that's doing it. Try broth, it's encouraging enough to convince eating and keep them hydrated during D.

  7. Awh, sorry to hear about Zorro's ongoing ear battle. Have they ruled out scabies? (Scrape the ear with a razor to get skin under the microscope to check. They tend to bury under the skin and make long pathways, so might have to scrape off various locations in the ears). It's a long shot not sure you've tried that? I don't know how they treat scabies however, so you would think after 4 rounds of antibiotics it would be over. Poor guy. Is he scratching it and is itchy at all? If he shakes his head (mach 3 side to side ear flapping) is it more likely to break open if it's been healed?

  8. A couple of other thoughts, (aside from it sounding like LP) a lot of water drinking could mean organ issues, excessive drinking is one of the first signs of malfunctioning liver and kidney. Likely though she is trying to get relief from coughing and gagging by intaking water because her throat is sore.


    Something non evasive you can try is to give her some Pepcid. She could be having some acid reflux, and this is bothering her throat causing her to cough. You have also mentioned a diet change, so this course of action is worth a shot. By giving her Pepcid, even if she doesn't have acid reflux, there will be no harm so it is worth a try for a few days to see if she is feeling any better and getting relief. A burning throat isn't fun.

  9. I hate to say this, but Dr Couto is just flat out incorrect. I'll dig up a good article on pain mgt that includes dosages and post shortly.

    I agree. Especially if you have days left, just get her back on the amount prior in the very least since she tolerated it. She shouldn't be in pain.


    What I find interesting is that you've heard back from him. He's been silent for me since US Thanksgiving even after multiple follow-ups.


    I wish Tanzi and you all the best. So tough.... :(

  10. We go sailing on Seneca Lake.


    We visit The Farm Sanctuary.


    We visit the goats and sample goat cheese at Lively Run Dairy.


    We blow glass Christmas Ornaments at The Corning Glass Museum.


    We eat great meals in Trumansburg. See restaurants 1 and 2 on the Trip Advisor list.


    We take brewery tours at Ithaca Beer Co.


    Sometimes we get our lazy butts in gear and hike to Taughannock Falls.


    And there are so many wineries on the tour, so we need to get to manyl of those, as well. It's a very busy week. :lol

    Oh WOW! Thanks! :D Doggies allowed at all these places?

  11. Ryder had what seemed like coffee grounds in his ear when he was adopted. It took a few flushings to get it all out. Could the ear perhaps be flushed again for some additional relief? I use Hexadene here.


    Edited to add: I don't understand the link between food and ear infection. While I sympathize and had a dog with allergies and itchy ears (my boy Kasey, not Ryder) it was never a matter of yeast. These are separate issues IMO

  12. Im not familiar with ringworm but am with hot spots. It has happened to Kasey on areas of fur however, never "exposed" skin before as in your photo, and once in his ears. For his hot spots,the whole area remains red and gets scabby and then the fur falls out after a couple days, sort of like an injury would, except they just came up out of no where and were very itchy and irritating. Have you tried a hydrocortisone cream at all? I dont recall there being a ring around his, just solid red, so maybe it is ringworm on your boy? Edited to add, after trying treatment, it turned out to be allergies for Kasey (the vet even thought it was scabies). Let us know what your vet says. Good luck!

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