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Posts posted by XTRAWLD

  1. I believe Pannus is more of a cloudy halo on the perimeter....but perhaps that's also a straight across the centre? I agree there seems to be a little cloudy.... Where is Krissy when you need her?!?! :D


    What is astounding is that it doesn't seem that she's affected by it. It looks like a ghastly injury, but I don't see any tearing up or mucous or pus or anything.


    This "cut" on the eye is truly remarkable and I'm extremely curious to hear what the dr/vet/opto says!

  2. Thats good. Please keep us updated as it's helpful for others in the future. In my experience a third eyelid looked a little different for me, but maybe? It certainly looks bizarre though. Don't do anymore rubbing though if you've tried to verify now. Do you know if she bumped into anything lately? Encounters with another pup that might have jumped up and scratched her?

  3. Well a 10lb dog is WAY different than a 70lb greyhound. I was going to say not to taper, but for this instance you will likely have to. Cut the half into quarters. I've been able to taper in 10mg increments over 3-6 days depending on how long they were at the higher dose.

  4. You'll notice that Doggles have a harder time staying on our streamlined hounds' heads' in general! :) While Ryder will tolerate them when walking around in the house, it's a different ball game when we are outside. Straight to pawing to get them off - and that can do damage in itself. The lower part of the doggles I think obstruct his view and he doesn't like that the rim is in the way. They really have to sit on the face "just so." That's my opinion of them anyway. I have seen other brands that might work better though - more of like a ski mask with one whole unit that two independent ones.

  5. Our solution was to have her wear a back pack with some weight in it when we walked. The added work load really helped burn off the craziness.

    Yes, I totally forgot about this. I looked for one years ago, but I had a really hard time finding one that would fit a greyhound body! Waterbottles in each pocket would do nicely!




    And an example of breaking down a behaviour... this was a blog post I did on teaching Kili how to vault. Most of the training videos for this trick are done with border collies or aussies, and it's pretty much one step: "hold the disc up and tell your dog to take it". Yeah, right. I broke it down into... 7 steps? The videos on the blog show you the entire break down. It took about a month to teach this, working for a couple of minutes 2-3 times a day.




    Hope that helps!

    Krissy the contortionist! Greyt vids. Did you borrow greyhounds for this?

  7. 5 years old is young to develop LS, but the symptoms sound similar....the almost knuckling though isn't, that sounds closer to a stroke. In LS you'll see the back end just start to droop when standing, kind of like the back legs are just tired to stand fully. Loss of appetite isn't cool. Was he always a food hound?


    It does sound like a spinal, even disc issue to me, which you can't really diagnose without an MRI, and a neurologist would be helpful. Trying Gabapentin to see if there is improvement might be beneficial as it focuses on nerve pain and doesn't conflict much with other meds so might be worth it to try. Sounds like a tough one, keep us posted.

  8. My old Pom got these styes and from what I remember from the vet at the time was it was best to leave it be unless it got so large that it was impeding vision, or if it was filled with pus, etc. Looks like it doesn't touch her eye which is great because it would be irritating otherwise and would likely require some ointment to keep her comfortable.


    I also tend to get them from time to time and I find that if you bother it, it continues to grow and get annoying, but leave it alone and don't touch it and it would likely go away on it's own. Hard to say I know, but if it's not bothering her, I really don't think it needs immediate attention at the moment.

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