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Posts posted by XTRAWLD

  1. Well he's not necessarily snoring, but I think his breathing is interrupted during sleep somehow/some reason? A couple times a night now he's scared the living sleep out of me because he's got a loud snort, like restarting his breathing. I thought at first it was because of how he hangs his head off the bed, but last night his head was pretty flat on the bed. A few weeks ago I walked in when he was sleeping and noticed he wasn't even breathing (chest was not rising)! Curious also if this might have something to do with a heart murmur?

  2. Pinched nerve, specifically around the neck, and/or disc issues. Also could be tight muscles and bone misalignments, a chiropractor might be able to help.


    What position is she in when this happens?


    I would also suggest a spider or insect bite, but sounds like it's happening more often than a one time occurance.

  3. The one we're thinking about is a traditional fenced area but is quite big. I guess we may have to just try it to see?

    Are you thinking of Totoredaca? Be mindful that large areas gives you less ability to keep an eye on what's going on with your pup and if any issues happen, it's a long way to run to go to the rescue.


    There is a greyhound only hour on Sundays I believe from 1-2 at Prospect Park in Acton. Been many times long ago, decent park, but since it's breed specific is a greyt alternative for you. There is also access to a lake right opposite the park so they can have a quick dip to cool off when they are done their run.


    I stopped going to dog parks, just because they were more of a pain than of a joy. My boys would always return with an injury of some kind (hurt toes, a bout of D because they ate something or just ate grass constantly, scrapes, running INTO a hole that was dug out by a dog and not filled, scraps with other non grey breeds especially little ankle biters). Plenty of reasons for me to never go again. Stick with the Romp and Roos or grey specific runs in a controlled environment if you want socialization with other greys IMO.


    At 2/3 years old, a good few walks a day keeps them in decent shape. Give hiking on the Bruce Trail a go, you'd be surprised how much they love it and it tires them out pretty good!


    Don't go to a park within at least a month of getting your dog. I would say 6 months even. They are still settling in to your routine, and being fresh off the track still want to show off their muscles. You don't know your dog well enough to know what's going to happen if you are in an all breed park. And this goes without saying not to muzzle in an all breed park because they can't defend themselves, but they might just get aggressive - and they haven't lived in your home long enough to know that about them yet.

  4. Mystery limping is the worst and I've been battling it for years. Turns out for us it was a neck issue which could only be determined via an MRI, but now he's limping out of the blue again so I don't know what is up this time around.


    Gabapentin and Metacam has been very helpful.

  5. I have had that stuff stick to gauze for sure. If she's being good and you are monitoring her and the bleeding has pretty much stopped, you could just leave it open. I like polysporin/neosporin but I do have that gel on hand from a dewclaw that became separated from it's owner. Alternatively, do it again one more time and remove it in 2 hours.

  6. I actually bought a "noise maker" as I call it. Has different sounds, white noise, waterfall, birds, etc. There is even a light industrial fan noise. I have found that this has worked to disrupt disturbances going on outside the home way better than a radio or music. Just thought I'd make that suggestion. For sure a constant sound in your home of some sort is a great consideration for SA.


    Does she like her crate? (Is she in there by choice when its in the gated area)? You could also try making it more den like - although I suspect you may have already.


    For peace of mind, have you considered buying a webcam to monitor her activity? This could help for training or even complaints. :)

  7. Sounds like a weekend warrior syndrome, a little too much than he's used to. Even I feel a little more aches after hiking when I haven't in a while. It makes sense that it's bad when he's just getting back up. Monitor and see how he is in a couple days - could just be sore from the activity - or similarly as mentioned above, sore pads.

  8. I'd clean it and then maybe put the neosporin during the day hour and let it air dry overnight now that it stopped bleeding. It will eventually form an annoying scab right there, that might break and bleed again in a couple days - try to keep it supple as it will blend in with the fur (or you could trim the fur at that little area if she'll let you). Ensure that knee has a full range of motion, and flex it because as it heals, the scar tissue will form making it a little harder to bend the knee. Ryder almost tore the ACL there by banging his knee on stairs years ago....so lucky....

  9. If he is not weight bearing on that leg, it is a concern. Hopefully it is just a paw issue and not a leg issue. You can soak it in epsom salts to see if he feels any better and inspect it thoroughly for corns or owies like slivers.


    Yikes on the aspirin though. You may have now painted yourself in the corner with any script they might have given you because he might need a washout period from that aspirin. Make sure you tell the vet tomorrow you gave him some so if they can give you anything, it won't conflict with the aspirin.

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