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Posts posted by XTRAWLD

  1. For whatever reason, white furred dogs tolerate the sun less than darker fur dogs....thusly the skin on a white furred dog is lighter, whereas on a darker furred dog is darker if this makes sense. White dogs from my experience and knowledge do seem to be more intolerant of the sun than others, so indeed it might be a sun burn. :(


    On his chest is a little weird of a location though....

  2. Hoping that the drain removal is good and there is no badness going on in there. a lot of greyhounds are very very stoic, and some are vocal. Either way, she's getting taken care of and I hope the tear is on it's way to healing! The GSOD (greyhound scream of death) is terrifying! Please keep us posted as it's always good info to know how everything resolved.


    Give her some gentle scritches for us!

  3. Oh goodness. Maybe it's really stinging her. I have on hand an "ouchless" solution by Bandaid to rinse wounds. It might also be infected if she's screaming out.... Call your vet about how she is reacting for sure. Please though, reward the positive behaviour when she let's you work on her with high value treats. This helps develop trust and creates positive experiences for her.

  4. To be honest, when Ry gets a bug, I immediately turn to giving Colloidal Silver orally. I wouldn't believe it if it wasn't done successfully on a few occasions. Here is the dosages and frequencies for it:


    1/2 tsp every 15 minutes for the first hour, then 1x per hour for the first day (or until symptoms subside), and then about 3x day for the next few days. Fast Peggy for the first day or until the D has passed, the second day give chicken broth, and then slowly ease her back into her regular diet.


    If you feel like syringing her water/broth instead of CS, a little bit at a time seems fair (perhaps base it on the dosages of CS above). If her tummy is feeling bad though, especially given all she got at the vet this aft, you might just want to let her chill out for a bit without forcing anything.


    I also use Slippery Elm in powder form and mix it with water to act like a slurry and I add it to food. It helps to coat the insides and calm everything down. You'll notice it goopy out the other end, but that's just the SE doing it's magic.

  5. My understanding is that gabapentin is a very specific drug--only works on nerve pain. As we age, we get (typically) lots of aches and pains, but those aren't necessarily nerve pains.


    If he has no underlying health issues, and the blood work looks good, I am sure an NSAID would work in conjunction with what he already takes!


    My George had LS and he took both Deramaxx and gabapentin, and it seemed to help him. And his #1 symptom was falling UP the stairs.

    This is a promising thought. Thank you! Do you happen to recall the dosage amount of each? Also, how long was he on these meds as a combination?

  6. I know Gabapentin only has a life of about 8 hours so dosing every 8 hours might help more. Our Larry (also with LS and neck issues) is on 100mg 3 x day, for now. Also on 3.75 mg of Meloxicam. ? I'm not sure about 300 mg every 8, I'd check with your vet first....

    I agree that dosing more often is more beneficial than spacing them out for longer durations. He's currently set for every 12 hours. Something to think about for sure....

  7. Since I have some experience with LS in Kasey, I'm now beginning to see the signs in Ryder. I'm curious if his back legs are getting weak or if he's getting arthritis or both? He's started to grunt a lot, which he never really used to do. It's one of those old age, sink into the bed comfy moans I presume, but this is a new thing. Happens in the middle of the night when I don't hear him stirring either. I'm not familiar with how to identify arthritis. He shows no pain if I manipulate his joints - but alas he is a stoic greyhound.


    How do I tell the difference between his legs being weak vs his legs being in pain? He's often fallen up the stairs (I had to help him up them yesterday one paw at a time). In addition I've noticed that it seems like one of his back legs falls asleep after lying on it in the wrong position/too long as he sort of stiffens his leg and is careful to use it for the first 30-45 seconds after getting up - but I gather this could also be pain?


    He's on Gabapentin twice a day, 300 mg each dosing due to disc bulges in his neck which have brought him a new lease on life and is approaching his first double digit birthday in October. I wonder if I should bump it to 400x2? Do I start visiting the idea of Metacam etc.? Thoughts?

  8. It sounds to me like your training is working! Keep doing what you are doing!


    For me, if I take Ryder to an open area, it's almost guaranteed that he will stay by my side and not bother to have a boot about, but his personality is that he prefers humans over hounds (or investigating the pee mail) anyway.


    Keep rewarding the behaviour, it's awesome you are getting recall working.....don't think about it too much!

  9. I agree that space looks a little tight, also think about the human that has to go in there to do pickups.... My boy would go in there to scout it out, but I'm not sure he'd prefer that space to do his business in if there is more of a yard available. This doesn't mean you can't train them if they have the right personality to go into an enclosed area like that but it doesn't seem ideal.....

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