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Posts posted by nancy14

  1. Whatever works.....As for Stormy...it reminds me of our first greyhound, KC. She had osteo and her leg was amputated. I had ointment to put on her stitches. Major Turn was very concerned that I was putting ointment on KC and not him, so I had a damp rag that I rubbed on his leg. My dogs always get the same and Maj must have felt left out.....so I truly understand why Stormy needs Frosty paws too.

  2. I have 3 greys, but only one itchy one. June Bug has a lot of white on her and her feet look pink, and the scratching is driving me crazy -- not to mention how poor June must feel. I've been giving her a Benedryl and the itching has subsided immensley. I seem to be itchy and have a nose that runs and I've been taking the Benedryl too....We share.

  3. Denise, I just saw this. I am so sorry that Patsie hasn't been feeling well, but I am glad that you found a vet -- even if it's not real close by -- that you feel comfortable with and isn't afraid to do the tests that need to be done.


    It's a good sign that she wanted a snack.


    I missed you at Midwest and hope you can make it to the event in Waukesha in October. I know it's hard now that you don't have your "built in babysitters."


    Prayers for Patsie and all of your pups as well as for you and Steve. I'll be thinking about you.

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