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Posts posted by nancy14

  1. f_yellow I am so sorry. I know how much you will miss him. My first greyhound was named K.C. Her racing name was AMI a kc hound. Let's think about the two K.C.'s playing at the bridge, and all of the friends they will meet.
  2. Didn't he have a dental before you adopted him? Our group includes a dental.

    Can you take him to the groomer to get his nail cut?



    No, Mr. Skorch did not have a dental before I adopted him. He was a return. There was no adoption fee; just a donation for him.


    The vet trimmed what he could, but his one nail is about an inch long. It sticks out straight, doesn't curl, and the toe next to the long one has no nail at all.


    If he's pretty calm, the vet should be able to scale that tooth without putting him under.


    As for the toenail, if you/groomer/vet just clips it back as far as possible without quicking him ... and then, every day or at most every other day you take it right back down to the quick with a dremel or nail file ... the quick will start to recede. It takes 2-3 weeks to start seeing results and you can't skip days, but it works. Eventually the quick will come back to a reasonable point and you/groomer/vet will be able to cut that nail to an appropriate length.


    Good luck!



    Thanks, Jey...


    Mr. Skorch needs to go back in for a lyme booster. I'll talk with the vet at that time.


    His toe nail is totally black and you can't see the quick. To top it off, the nail is straight and doesn't have that little curve to it. I just don't want to hurt him. All of his other toenails are fine.

  3. We've had Mr. Skorch for a month. He had a clean bill of health, but he has one extremely long toenail. The vet casually said that he would be able to cut the toenail back if we decide to have a dental. I didn't think much of it at the time, but I've checked his teeth, and they are beautiful except for one on the lower side that is covered with white tartar. None of his teeth have brown stains.


    Has anyone ever had just one tooth cleaned. Can the vet do this without putting him under?


    I will ask the vet the next time Mr. Skorch goes in, but just curious.


    Sorry if this is a stupid question.



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