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Posts posted by nancy14

  1. Your tribute is beautiful for this beloved guy, Ozzy. This cancer thing is horrendous. It's running wild and out of control.


    I, too, am one of those foolish people you speak of. How can we get through life without being so.


    Run free, sweet boy.




  2. This poor boy. I still remember him trying to get into the feeding troth before the start of his GUR. At that time, we only thought it was an eye condition. Things sure do change quickly.


    So very sorry.

  3. Sarah, I am so sorry. All greyhounds are special, but the very first greyhound is especially so.


    So many greyhounds at the bridge. What a reunion we will all have one day.


    God Speed.

  4. Denise, your tribute to Wanda is heart wrenching but beautiful. I know the special bond you had with her. I can still see you and Wanda walking through the woods when we were trying to locate Frank the Fugitive. You had instincts about Frank and Wanda had hers to. You were quite a team.


    I know how much you will miss her, but look at the joy she gave you and you gave her during the years you were together. It was fate. It had to be. Amazing that others had problems with her and to you she was perfect.


    God speed little black brindle girl. And, thanks for the cactus flower. It brings hope to all of us.

  5. Bev, I just read your post. I am so sorry. We've heard so much about Maddison ever since he was a baby. I feel that he belonged to all of us.


    God be with you while you try to get through this. Thank goodness you have other pets to hug.

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