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Posts posted by nancy14

  1. Thank you so much for June Bug's presents. She is one happy girl and will be as warm as a bug in a rug with her new monagrammed blankie. The colors fit her to a tee. You do nice work.


    She loves everything; however, Mr. Skorch has claimed the green loofa. It's under his foot, and I don't think we can get it out.


    Thanks also for the picture frame and the treats, and the singing ball and everything. My puppies have had a wonderful Christmas.













    June with her Christmas Ball that plays music.




    Thanks again for everything. It has been a very Merry Christmas at our house, especially for one brindle and white puppy who has a new blankie....

  2. We open presents Christmas Eve and started with the puppies. It's not easy taking pictures with three dogs. They all want what the other has.;


    I can't believe all of the things you were able to get in that stocking. The elephant came out first and I think all three had their mouths on it. I can't believe two collars. They are beautiful on Carla. I love the frame and the hand cream and the little kitty and the blackberry tea -- my absolute very favorite. And, all the other things -- treats, the little kitty with yarn, and on and on.


    Thank you so much for being such a wonderful secret santa.


    The stocking was jammed full.




    Mr. Skorch was going to take the elephant, but Carla won.













    Here's a picture of Carla with her own collar plus two new ones.




    The strawberry collar.


    Thank you sooo much. You made a little brindle girl very happy...


  3. Your box from Burpdog Biscuits arrived today. All three dogs were excited. We've been saving boxes for Christmas Day, but being as this box was perishable, I told the guys we could open it and have "just one."


    Everyone was excited that I was opening the box until Daddy brought out the camera. Skorch is camera shy. As you can see, he's ready to bolt.





    As soon as he got a good wiff of the Burpdogs, he came back.


    See below.


    So, I'll just say Thank you KYGrey. The rest of the box will just have to wait for Christmas.


    I'll post more pictures then.


    Here's the other picture.




    He really, really, really, loves Burpdogs.


    Thanks again.

  4. Otis...I am gwad dat des dastardwy deed is obber. U sed u wayed bery still on de table and did not move. R u sure u weren't jus past out? If somebody puts dat cold jewwey on my tummy I dun't tink I cud way still. U are some brave guy.


    Gwad your tummy is finawy full and dat u are ok.


    Merry Christmas to u and your mommy. She must be rewieved...


    Misser Skorch

  5. Oh, Gail, I am so glad that you liked everything. I had fun choosing things that I thought she might like. My guys like big stuffies that make a noise almost before you touch it, so I thought Hazel would too. The collar is from Nancy B. She does beautiful work with collars. I had a hard time choosing.


    There is nothing that will spoil, so I hope you enjoy your gifts on Christmas Day.


    Have a very Merry Christmas. Can't wait to see pictures.


  6. A big box came for June Bug today. :lol Please let me know if I need to refrigerate anything. Otherwise, we are going to try to wait until Christmas. Carla's package is already here and Skorch's is on the way. When all three get here, I'm not sure we can wait....


    The suspense is making us........ :crazy


    Thank you, June Bug's secret santa -- whoever you are. :dunno I know your real name, but not your greytalk name...

  7. Poor little girl is waiting for her family to come and get her.


    Our second greyhound was a return because his elderly owner developed cancer and had to go and live with his daughter who would not take the dog.


    Barko was a basket case when we first got him. He panted and dripped from his tongue, shook and paced and paced and paced. Barko would not eat. You are fortunate that your little girl is at least eating.


    It takes a lot of time and patience. (Barko finally did come around.) I feel bad that she is starting to bond with you and your husband and then will be uprouted again if and when she is adopted. She did nothing wrong and she just doesn't understand. (I don't understand either.)



  8. Mommy comed hum from work and took us outside to go potty...I saw a box by de front door and it said to CARLA.


    But, mommy said "Not now, Carla." "You habs to wait til June and Skorch get theres.".....Not fare. Mine comed first and I should habs it NOW!


    I sink mommy puts it in de laundry room. I'm gonna gets it tomorrw when mommy is at werk.


    Sank u secret Santa....I dun't know what's in de box, but its hebby and I know deres gud stuff in de box.


    I'll tell eberybody what's in dere if eber mommy wets me open it.


    Sank you again Secret Santa. I's waitin pachently.



  9. To this evil elf -- I don't think you are evil. You sound very nice to me, so here are my answers:


    My Skorch is perfect in every way

    He is handsome and lovable each day

    His color is brindle -- not really red

    But more of a chestnut except for his head

    which is totally black.


    His girth is 32 1/2 inches at the deepest part

    I measured from his neck to his tail at the start

    And got 30 inches -- You see he's not frail.

    His 16 1/2" neck proves he's a Chip & Dale.


    My boy is a goof who loves all kinds of treats

    His stuffies are soft and must certainly squeak.

    Bright colors show off his handsome physique,

    He is not fussy at all with what he eats --

    on cookies, on chew bones or bully sticks for sure

    Will only have Skorch asking for more.




    ----Skorch is perfect. He is a Florida boy who is trying to get used to Wisconsin weather. He was funny with the first snow. He kept shaking it off and hopping....








    Fall Colors - browns, rusts, cranberry


    Savory food

    Turkey & Dressing



    Milk Chocolate





    Stuff to put in the bath

    I'm a shower girl


    Stuff to use in the shower

    Peach gel





    Scented candle

    Gingerbread or Peaches or Pine. I love the smell of fresh pine, especially at Christmas.


    Photograph of your dog(s)?



    Mr. Skorch is on the left. He is a handsome chestnut color brindle boy with a black face. He is BIG (around 80 lbs.) He looks good in anything, but I like rusts and earth tones the best on him with maybe a touch of cranberry or gold.


    June Bug is in the middle (white & brindle.) She is a short, stocky little girl. She probably weighs around 68 lbs. She looks good in bright colors -- purple and hot pink. She is the clown of the bunch.


    Carla is a petite red brindle. She weighs 57 lbs. She is on the right. I like her in bright colors. Pale colors are lost on her.


    All of my puppies love chew bones, bully sticks and plush toys....anything -- they are not fussy. They love treats period!


    Type of jewelery

    Mostly pins, but I like greyhound necklaces. Bracelets need to be at least 8". I have a fat wrist. I don't care for greyhound earrings, but I love earrings. My ears are pierced.


    Style of ornament



    Style of festive decoration

    Not fancy - plain


    Television programme (present)

    Amazing Race, Shark, Criminal Minds, Packer Games


    Television programme (past)


    Type of reading material (inc authors if appropriate)

    Romance Novels - (I only read women - don't ask me why.....I don't know. I particularly like Sandra Brown and Nora Roberts.)


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