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Posts posted by nancy14

  1. My little June Bug was tested for Thyroid last week. It came in at .8. I have an appointment scheduled with the vet for next week. They want to do a panel and send it to Michigan State.


    She has never been on thyroid pills as she came in within the normal range last year. I had her tested again because she has gained "mega weight."


    At least our puppies have something that can be controlled with meds.

  2. Skorch lost a toenail last spring. Actually, it was hanging. I took him to the vet who just pulled it off. I tried to keep it clean. The vet didn't give me any kind of salve to put on it, but I'm a good one for Triple Antibiotic and used that.


    The nail has grown back but it is growing almost straight up. It's weird.


    My poor boy Skorch is missing several nails. He has one that is skinny with ridges. I don't know if it is from racing or for another reason. They were missing when I got him.


    The groomer from Petsmart only charges me for the girls when they go in for a nail trim. She said Skorch doesn't have enough to charge for. (Not really true, but I'll take it.)

  3. I am sorry. Can you bring her home this afternoon?


    I had a spook -- my Major Turn. He was terrified of a bird chirping or a frog croaking. He used to dig in and get very low and pull me with all of his might to get back in the house. It took a while for him to turn around, but he turned into a wonderful boy. Always a little leary of things, but not terrified.


    You'll both feel better when she gets home.

  4. Run free, Sam. You've got lots of pals waiting at the bridge.


    We had a black lab prior to getting our first greyhound. We got Cory when she was 5 weeks old. I miss her. They are wonderful dogs. I've always said that everyone should have one at least once in their life.

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