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Posts posted by nancy14

  1. Bev, she actually looks good. We had an amputation done on our first greyhound (front leg as well) who was much older than Darcy, and she was able to get around just fine. I know it is a blow to you -- and to your poor baby -- but she looks like she's going to be okay. Time is the natural healer.


    Will be thinking about you.

  2. SLO = symmetrical lupoid onychodystrophy


    There is a ton of info on this; here is just the first one (web address below) I found when I typed it into google. A biopsy is NOT necessary for dx. Any vet that is very familiar with the disease or a dermatologist can dx by seeing the dog's feet/toenails. It is a chronic but very manageable disease where the toenails repeatedly crack, break, fall off, etc. It can be very painful for the dog without some sort of treatment to help encourage healthy toenail growth and still they have flare-ups occasionally.






    Thanks, Cyndi, for the information. The vet didn't mention SLO by name; just mentioned the possible need for fatty acids and a watch....


    I see on the web site that they have a forum for this condition. I'll check it out. SLO also seems to be treatable....So, thanks again.

  3. Did the vet say anything about him having SLO? It just seems that is what he was implying with all of the missing fatty acid and missing/strange looking toenail comments. Of course, even if it is, fatty acids and keeping them short will help greatly. Hope Mr. Skorch is feeling better soon!!



    He didn't say anything about SLO. He just mentioned the possibility of him possibly needing fatty acids.... What is SLO?

  4. Mr. Skorch is sporting a bright yellow bandage. The vet removed the nail and cut his nails as short as he could. I've only had Mr. Skorch since June and he came with long nails -- some of them looking strange -- he was also missing nails.


    The vet told me that some dogs are missing fatty acids in their system and this causes nails to fall off. And, when they grow back they look different -- Mr. Skorch has one nail that is long and skinny with ridges on it....(I've posted about it before.)


    So, I bought a fatty acid supplement to see if there is a difference....


    My poor boy was so good. He never flinched. The vet was the doctor that the adoption center from Geneva Lakes used. He told me he misses the greyhounds a lot because they were so easy to work with....


    The vet wasn't sure that my boy's 37 mile per hour run was the problem. He could have caught it on something. I'll probably never know, but at least he's okay......Also, my DH was home with the girls while I took Mr. Skorch to the vet. He said the the girls were inconsolable. June especially, she cried and cried until he came home.

  5. Mr. Skorch was limping last night but by the time he was finished going potty, he seemed better. This morning he can't stand on his back right leg at all. Upon examination it appears that he has torn a toenail and it is hanging and bleeding. If I touch it he crys.


    Thankfully, the vet can see us at 8:20. It's quarter to 8 now and the vet is 7 minutes away.


    I feel guilty. I let him run in the radar run on Saturday at the GPA event. He wanted to sooo bad. He clocked at 37 and didn't run to the squawker. He ran to his mom....It could have happened then, but he didn't limp until last night.....


    I'll never let him run again.

  6. Hi everyone. Sorry to just drop off on you last night and today but it's been a crazy 24 hours as you all can well imagine. :( I am at home today with Scooter and he is resting well. His leg is VERY swollen. He seems to be in good spirits but you can tell he knows he's sick. I've emailed Dr. C to see if he has any thoughts or suggestions on the situation. Thank you all for everything. I am certainly not alone while going through this and that is a great comfort. :bighug


    I'll update more soon. :grouphug



    I am anxious to hear what Dr. Couto has to say. Maybe he'll put him on artemesian (sp). Also, Batmom has a recipe that is for cancer if you pm her for it.


    Still in shock about your special boy and sending continued prayers.

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