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Posts posted by buddibear

  1. I so happy I'm not alone in trying to pick up pea soup in a sandwich bag. Most times just a pile of dirt works. Had this foster 2 months. Never accident in house,but usless to pick up. Has been dewormed 2# and put on antiboitics (took the Metr stuff) last fecal shows undigested grains. Could be the few Christmas dog cookies the neighbor made this time. He came with Proplan shreaded chix/rice and went on to Wilderness Chix (no grain) Seems like the poo is thicker now and browner than the mustard. Now waiting 2 weeks for blood work for allergy. He is 5 and straight from the farm,maybe he only ate Beef and Kibble ( that's what was thawing in the tubs.)

  2. My spooky boy freezes at the drop of a leaf. I walk him in circles until we both get dizzy and then shout LET"S GO. Works most of the time. You will always see us with the harness. We have a statue moment and I pick him up like a suitcase. This has helped me a lot when a freeze happens in a parking lot when a Harley comes along. He has inproved in three years but still has moments in new situations. Bringing in comfident fosters has helped out. Seems he won't want to be left out and tags along.

  3. My grey has never shown any interest in sofa or bed,but this new foster will be a challenge. He rolls his big doe eyes at me looking for ok. I crate the foster when I leave for more than an hour.( It's the rules) I did have a foster that came from a vet tech school. The students took him home on weekends. A new director at the school says 2 years at the school was enough and called our group, I put coins in coke cans and placed them all over the furniture and beds. Worked for him,but not others.

  4. My last foster would not go 1 or 2 on lead,just mark. I put him on a 12ft lead to give more privacy....nope. He would wait for the yard. If it was dark he would not go in the yard. They said walk him until he does go! Into the next county,maybe! I did give up. I passed him back to the group so some one else would have a change of scenery. He was my 15th foster and I was not the right one. Ity is disappointing to walk 1/2 mile and then find a pile in the livingroom 5 minutes later

  5. No clue on desensitizing for flies. Time will help with many fears. We changed our refrig from almond to black and Stormy would not come in the kitchen for a week. It took 4-5 months before he stopped charging through the house everytime the thermo clicked. This made for a lot of sleepless nights. We would adjust the temp so the unit would not click as often.We actually saved on the electric bill. Now he won't go out after dark.

  6. Our first foster came years ago early in Feb. Yes, we need heat in Florida! We have a 2 story house and all the heat/air is located in the attic. That's not the problem. It's the thermostat on the wall that clicks and sends the dog wild through the house.The previous foster family had the same issue with him and gave up to keep their family sane. He got over it with this house in about 3 months. A new black refrig was delivered to replace the white one and he would not come in the kitchen for several days. Some greys are a bit "sensitive" We won't go into Harley's,garbage trucks and the drumming at the high school 2 blocks away,LOL. He grew on me and I could not see him go to a 4th foster home. I FAILED and love him with all the quirks.

  7. My first foster gulped down his kibble so fast he threw it up and re-ate it. Now I spread it out on a cookie sheet and put a soup bowl in the middle to slow him down After a few weeks he slowed and realized nobody would steal from him. He was given a private room. I wet his food so it slides down better.

  8. Same problem here. Picked up a 2year from the farm. He will not go on leash. I have been dealing with this since May. He love his privacy out in the yard,but when we all go walkies,it's only for marking. Our leadership has said walk him on a 12 foot leash and alone with no other dogs. Nada. I can walk for 30 minutes he will come in the house and head for the farthest room in the house and drop it.So many of the candidates for adoption live in apt or condos and walking is the only way of life there. I'm waiting for an adoptee with a yard and discuss the issue. By the way, he learned the 15 stairs the first day. :lol

  9. Is there a group that meets in the Tampa Bay area? I know there's a lot of tracks around here, and we adopted two lovable girls, and we would like to know if there are any groups or if anyone is interested in starting one with us....

    From St Pete. There is a St Petersburg Walking Club that would be interested in adding Greys to the mix......after the first snowfall. I have a friend with 3 greys who goes to Crest Lake Park and Lake Seminole Park when it gets cooler. My boys prefer to ride!! :lol

  10. Be careful what you wish for! My new 2yo foster looked at the inside 14 straight up stairs and said no way. After 3 weeks of watching the other grey ,poodle and dalmatian fly up the stairs ,he took 4 at a time. I leashed up coming down for safety and a glass door at the bottom. Now he is up and down all night checking on his food bowl. Baby gate at the top solved that,but not the whinning.

  11. I am sitting a healthy 13yo greyhound. I have known him for 2 years. When he comes visiting for a week,he stops eating his Inova. He will nibble on my guys food,(Natural Balance-Venison)sprinkled with parmesan cheese. After his 3rd day of no eating (treats only) I gave him a hot dog. No problem. 4th day He HAD to have a tuna salad sandwich...a whole wheat with tuna and chopped egg. Now I get a happy old man ,dancing around the yard with explosive mustard poop! His mom is not going to be happy. I guess breakfast will be scrampled egg and Canadian Bacon with a bucket hanging on his butt.4 days to go

  12. 100% leashed out on walks except Dalmatian. He leads the pack with perfect recall. The greys are leashed/harness because of their history of the run. The stand poodle ,I trust the least. She will climb a tree for a squerril,cat ,rat or bird. My first experience with Greyhounds was a friend who had a show Grey. The dog visiting us jumped out of their truck ran up our drive and ran circles around my Springer. I wonder if a Grey never went to training or was AKC the mindset is just "a Dog". My friends have an agility business with Shelties so maybe they more than I do.

  13. Harness did not work for me and a powerful dalmatian. She became a sled dog and pulled even more. I finally wrapped the lead under her front leg,that slowed her down . It took a weeek and plenty of stinkeyes but I could say slow and she got the message when the lead went under her front armpit.

  14. Check the artical on Snopes.com punch in Dog Flu. It started in Fla 2004,There is no treatment/vaccine! Basically jumped species from feeding infected horse meat contaminated with Avian Flu. It has showed up in show dog confinements and has been deadly. Not to confuse with Kennel Cough

  15. My pack (4) have morning feeding whenever the sun breaks. It's feeding frenzie at 3 afternoon,their idea ,not mine. Makes for a looooooooong night. Each get a treat and a kiss at bedtime. My bedtime is 11-12. I wake them up for the treat! I understand the farm/kennel only feed once in the morning?

  16. Ditto on the Wiggles Wags Whiskers harness. My spook would turn into a bucking bronco when a motorcycle or something out of the blue would run by. Crossing a busy parking lot at Petco was an issue before the harness. He would statue in a traffic lane , I could pick up on the harness feature and carry the front end like a suitcase. I won't walk him without it.It has held up well for 2 yrs and I like the velvet under strap on his naked belly.

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