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Posts posted by buddibear

  1. Lucky me, no greyhound chewers.Although Stormy has a broken canine (maybe from a kennel incident before me) BUT the Dalmatian pup has finally stopped. He has eaten 2 digital cams,1 cell phone, 1 remote,1 new Nike (left) 1 new New Balance (right) Grandmother's 1915 dining chairs (6 ,2 still virgin)all corners of coffee table and ends of footboard. Vet suggested melatonin and patience. It's been a good year so far...he must have a wood deficiency

  2. My boy would not budge for anything,except the lead. I could click the closure lock and he would come a running. After some time of "getting to know U" I stopped picking him up,when the whirling mouth of teeth by my face was too close. I think after time a pecking order happens.

  3. This may sound crazy,but my male Dalmatian peed the same spot night after night.Tested 2X for UTI . I am alone so I leashed him to me,pulled his bed up to mine and when he got up,I got up..... WE all peed in the back yard.This went on for about a week. (this was a suggestion from Cesar) No worse than having a newborn! Also I hate to say maybe "crate" time

  4. Be VERY careful of online ordering. I was warned by my group that greyhounds process chemicals differently. I found Tri-force topical (a generic flea treatment) I used my last frontline on the greys and used this Tri-force on the poodle and lab. Weight approp amounts,but the poodle went crazy. She drooled puddles and rubbed herself on everything in the house. I took her outside and got a bar of soap and went to town.White foam ran off her for awhile until the soap dissolved the poison. Now, after the fact,I research the chem, it,s used in janitorial cleaners and roach-proofing!Right now I have found Frontier 9.7% fipronil from canada drugs (as in Frontine)for 1/2 cost of Frontline,but I'm afraid to risk my guys life.

  5. The house has a grey, stand poo and a dal. My latest foster grey was a 8yo returned pet.He was cat tested several times at his 1st vetting before coming on board. We have a 23 yo Russian Blue who stays in the kitchen and eats and potties out on a screen porch. If we leave the house we never leave her in the house.Coming in from the pool, the foster grabbed the cat and ran through the house tossing her in the air .Nobody was injured,but HE lost his welcome.Violence can start up even with muzzles.

  6. I don't believe I ever said muzzles are a bad thing. This new to our group foster was an established pet in a home for 6 yrs and work sched changed and the travel nurse gave up the dog to a group instead of hit or miss at a shelter. The dog was cat tested at vetting before I took him on.Up to this point he never botherd the possums,squirrels or free-range cats crapping in our yard. Anyways he has gone to a new foster home and I can see him at M&G

  7. I know you dont want to hear this, but it should be obvious to you that muzzles are a requirement for new hounds when introduced into your home. I just dont understand why people think muzzles are such a bad thing. A muzzle is a piece of safety equipment for hounds, cats, and people alike. Would you let your 6 year old child ride a skateboard without a helmet? Then why would you bring in a new hound into your house and not protect your family by putting a muzzle on the hound? It is not to say that every hound will attack or is inclined to, but just like riding a bike, or a skateboard, things happen. Would you drive a car without a seatbelt?

  8. I did not do vet intervention. The grey group would have reinburse,but that was not important. Kitty has remained calm all day. No food yet but a small glass of milk disappeared during the night with her closed off. I placed her in her litter box and light yellow pee so kidneys ok. I think she is brused like a car wreck and may take time...Sadly the foster grey has moved on. It was a tearful bye bye and a long lonesome ride home,but he is happy with another dog I placed.

  9. I own a grey,dalmatian and stand poo. We have enjoyed 4 foster greys over 2 years and have staycations for others in our group. This last 8yo former pet was returned to our group due to changes in living arrangements. He was well kept and vetted by a nurse for 6yrs after sdoption from a shelter. He has been a good boy....up to last night. He attacked our 22yo russian Blue cat. Threw her around like a ragdoll. She has not moved ,eaten, or responed to activity. No blood was found,but at this age xrays etc are not going to happen. I have contacted our group to rehome the cat-tested dog. The last foster punctured my grey in the neck over a high level treat....day brfore he went to his adoptive home. I'm getting gun shy about another. Maybe my luck is running out.I love recycling these beautiful creatures,but living with muzzled dogs is not right for me. Sad day for the household

  10. My Stand Poo had reoccuring ear infections month after month.Change of foods and vets did not matter. I found a recipe from Woodhavenlabs.com/ears that works for us. In a empty dish soap bottle mix 4 tblespoons Boric Acid,16oz bottle isopropyl alcohol and 16 drops of Gentiva Violet (found at Walgreens) Mix well and squeeze small in each ear and massage 2X daily for a week,then use as maintence 1X a week. My groomer can't believe the difference and I enjoy staying out of the vets. The Dal and the Greys all get 1 X weekly.

  11. The group in our area got the call from a demo team that was leveling a trailer that a person died in. The neighbors were throwing food over to an old grey living under the house.It took 4 weeks of raw meat, antibiotics, love and warm baths to get the 11 yo into a recognizable animal. ALL the teeth have been pulled now and a kind soul has stepped up to continue care. The before photos made me ill. Senior blood workup is always in order.....then the hard work begins.

  12. Know the feeling well. I can't get the bottom rows of french door windows washed. I know that's where Kerry Berry and Lord Duncan pressed their black wet noses waiting for someone to come home.

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