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Everything posted by robinw

  1. my vet is very greyhound savvy, which is one of the reasons why we see her. having said that, i think it's ok to have vet that is open minded and willing to take your concerns seriously, as well as do research when necessary.
  2. robinw

    Eric Rogo

    Please give Teri my condolences
  3. oh no!!!!! that is just so unfair!!!!!!!!!!
  4. it's very important. when my vet diagnosed phene with arthritis, i still had my doubts. turned out her had babesia. i hate to think what the consequences may have been if i didn't get that second opinion.
  5. patti, i just saw this. you, lacey laine and fred are all in my thoughts
  6. whoa, what a roller coaster ride for you and bodie!! hoping for a complete recovery for everybody in your family .
  7. that must've been such a hard thing to do
  8. robinw

    My Quinnie

    oh no, Cara-Lea, you seemed so optimistic last weekend. my heart breaks for you and for the rest of us who will truly miss him
  9. that's how phoenix was given him imizol. there was some limping afterwards and improvement within several days of the first injection. he was markedly symptomatic prior to the first injection.
  10. robinw

    My Milly

    i'm so sorry. you've had so much loss in such a short period of time
  11. oh no, Mary! my heart breaks for you and everybody else who knew Angie
  12. oh liz...i so hope there's an improvement Dr. St. Pierre is a fantastic vet and would only advise what's best for Earl.
  13. is he going to Dr. St. Pierre? if so, he'll be in good hands
  14. my understanding is that there is a brand of chip you can purchase in north america that will work in europe but can only be scanned in north america by the newest scanners. i know because that is the kind of chip phoenix has. unfortunately i don't know the manufacturer.
  15. robinw


    i'm so sorry
  16. oh no...daphne's and henry's story touched so many.
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