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Everything posted by robinw

  1. twelve year old loca recently had a dental that included an extraction, and came through with flying colours. i know the the vets in my area offer 1/2 price dental during the month of february; maybe they do where you live also.
  2. i remember Cooney and his story. i wish you had more time together
  3. i would definitely test for TBD. at this point it can't hurt. Although Phoenix was tested at Protatek, I understand that North Carolina is more reliable now.
  4. robinw


    Vince, I'm so sorry. You've had so much loss in such a short period of time
  5. Nancy, I'm so sorry. Both you and Chance are in my thoughts
  6. robinw

    Lady Jane Grey

    what a wonderful, tribute. i'm so sorry
  7. Hi from Kitchener! I've met you at the Greyhounds in Art Show! Love your work
  8. keep us posted on her condition, ok?
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