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Everything posted by crazygang

  1. What a very deeply moving photograph........thanks so much for sharing Whatever your decision is will be the right one, if you feel comfortable with it in your heart when you look at Argos.
  2. I second that!!! Great news heal quickly Zippy Zappy
  3. Just had to smile back at that last photo when I saw it......a greyhound grin and a roach! It's so wonderful to see what a beautiful clever girl Polli is. Glad to hear you're all getting more rest. Sending more positive get well thoughts.
  4. So glad Polli's eating better what a sweetheart............. You're doing such a marvelous job looking after her, but you must look after yourselves too.
  5. What terrible news..........hoped and prayed hard for you that it wasn't anything major. So sorry. Enjoy your treasured time together, it's bitter-sweet I know but those special moments will help when you will need it most.
  6. can't find the right words......
  7. Congratulations he's a beauty........got lovely soft kind eyes
  8. Can't see so good typing this through moist eyes. But take some comfort in knowing Stella was not alone and that it was swift when she passed. She had love and reassurance being hugged and just went to sleep to awaken amongst friends..... Till we all meet again.....
  9. Sending positive healing thoughts for Monty......
  10. Yes the hind leg weakness will be due to the fact she's not eating, she's bound to have no energy. Sending positive thoughts EAT *baby* EAT
  11. Sending positive thoughts your way........ It's nothing major It's nothing major It's nothing major It's nothing major It's nothing major It's nothing major
  12. That's so very very sad, heartfelt sympathy you are both in pain. We understand, have had to make the same decision ourselves three years ago..........time does heal, the happy memories overshadow the bad ones so they're a forgotten nightmare. God bless Jeanie sweetheart goodnight sleep tight
  13. Hope everyday, each morning, brings you all closer to peace and comfort.....
  14. Have had some experience of accupuncture with my Tess, who had snapped a ligament in her spine (the synovial fluid escaped and put pressure on the spinal chord) she was put on PLT's and was rested, had light exercise (which she dictated how much) thus had a quality of life for many many years.
  15. That was a thanks Mom kiss for certain........how special was that Keep eating and resting Polli it'll build up your strength
  16. She's such a pretty girl. It's lovely for you all that Polli's finally home......... She's been through such a lot lately so I imagine she will take a while to settle. With familiar smells and her pack around her will feel happier soon I'm sure. That's an ideal set up in your den for her we did the same for our Tess. I slept with her on a mattress downstairs for 3 months whilst administering medicines. {{{Big hugs Polli}}}
  17. Dunno bout ice cream but a stiff drink for the (as George says) 'hoomans' might be in order......
  18. Words fail me so very sorry
  19. sorry for the loss of your dear friend Nelly
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