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Everything posted by PrairieProf

  1. KwikStop, you can get it at a pet supply space. (Quikstop?) Works great. I put some Liquid Bandage or clear nail polish over the end of the nail afterwards to keep it closed.
  2. Cat safe in the house has nothing to do with how they will react to a cat (to say nothing of a cat running right by them) outdoors, just FYI.
  3. Oh no, so sorry. He was such an inspiration.
  4. The muzzle you are describing is NOT a greyhound muzzle and should not be used. These are called basket or kennel muzzles, as you see here: http://www.gemgreyhounds.org/GEM-Store/category/muzzle/ They can breathe and pant and drink with them. Yes they can fuss at first but really it's just a big act. And they are used with rescued lurchers too so it doesn't matter if the dog is not a retired racer. If you have a greyhound you should have a proper muzzle for the dog's safety in any number of contexts, not just the cat.
  5. A truly high prey sighthound cannot be trained out of it. Outside cats will always be different from inside cats,but if he fixated on your pet cat that cat will never be safe. Greyhounds adopted from greyhound groups are tested for cat safety or not. I'm sorry you were not properly advised. There are lots of tactics if the dog is cat workable. Do you even have a greyhound muzzle? The dog should not be allowed unmuzzled around the cat and should be on leash if the cat is in the area. If this were me I would not keep the dog unless the alternative was returning him to a high kill shelter. There are some greyhound groups that will help with untattooed hounds. You might want to contact the Ohio Lurcher Project if you are in the US (American Lurcher Project now) -- if your dog is not a tattooed retired racer it is probably a lurcher, a mostly-greyhound mix used in parts of the US for underground racing and hunting. They have the best contacts.
  6. Their metabolisms can slow as they get older- I need to feed Beth less now to maintain her weight. And 6 cups sure sounds like a LOT of food.
  7. Who needs a fence? Only people physically unable to or too lazy to walk. I have a tiny yard I almost never use. It is perfectly doable to have a greyhound without a yard if you are committed. I think my greyhound has a better, more stimulated and active life with four walks a day and some trips to the dog park. All the dogs in yards are clearly envious of her when we go by. Love your username, and welcome!
  8. My dog needs to move briskly to poop- extended fast walk or trot. And I would never expect her to change for my convenience.
  9. Did you spend time at first just "loading the clicker"? Click-treat, click-treat, for quite a while. They have to have a firm association before a click will mean anything to them.
  10. If she needs an activity you could take her to a PetSmart or some other indoor place.
  11. I wouldn't do a long walk in the sun at that temperature. If there was a shaded trail I might do 20 minutes. Otherwise, early morning or after sunset.
  12. Beth does it pretty regularly. (For the record, she marks a lot, too.) A short leash and moving her on will prevent it if she is doing it in a bad spot, like someone's mulch. Or just reposition the dog so their back end isn't towards your face when picking up the poop, or wait until they're done. I would never try to "turn off" a perfectly normal dog behavior.
  13. The Facebook group you are looking for is the Pro Greyhound Movement. Welcome to GT!
  14. But you said you got her out before? Well I would wait a couple of hours and try again. Greyhounds get led out and race in the rain and they don't melt, so remember she's just testing you or throwing a fit.
  15. They like snow. Though you have long heard about Beth's issues finding a spot when there is no soft snow. Keep walking till she poops, then have a big party with treats. It could take half an hour or whatever. I've done that half hour in subzero temps. She'll go eventually when she needs to. They can hold it a pretty long time. You should also work on conditioning her to a designated "go potty" word.
  16. Unlikely to be related to Frontline. Sounds like possibly a stomach bug or could be anything. I would see the vet tomorrow if it were my dog.
  17. You should horn the Pro Greyhound Movement group on Facebook. That's where adopters can make contact with trainers etc. People there will know who knew your grey and can help you get in touch, and can tell you all about racing experiences in general. Wonderful group.
  18. Sending good thoughts. I have a friend whose dog has been managed with hypoparathyroidism for years if you need a contact
  19. I would guess collar + summer shedding. The other hair loss fits that too -- this is your first summer with Ollie. It is very very likely to be seasonal, not medical or food related.
  20. If she's okay in the crate and you want her in just lead her in in a no nonsense way and give her her Kong. She knowd perfectly well what to do. It's not all about what she wants and she needs to learn the routine. You are the leader, she doesn't get to call all the shots especially this soon! Being in a home is completely new to her and she is going to test the boundaries. You need to make the decisions that are best for her safety snd the cats' and your home's. Remember Beth is incredibly habituated to our routine and that's why you see her trot right in the crate.
  21. Beth has a middle toe amp and the remaining middle toe is extremely enlarged. It is the extra weight bearing and arthritis. Ugly looking but causes her no evident problem. So I really don't think you need to worry too much.
  22. Muzzle with stool guard or duct tape over the end, and leave the foot open to the air when you're indoors. It should be covered to keep it dry/clean when you're outside (I find Pawz disposable booties a godsend for this). I have definitely been through this with lots of toe wounds. He really needs to leave it alone and the muzzle will do that. Not fun but you should hang tough until the wound is really closed up.
  23. Mine has started shedding like crazy in the last couple of weeks. I would not assume you have a problem.
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