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Everything posted by ClarksMom

  1. Thanks! I think I'll try the Immodium. Clark doesn't have any lactose issues, but Runner does, so it probably wouldn't work on him.
  2. Clark is on antibiotics for a stitched up boo-boo, and now he's got the antibiotic squirts. Will Immodium help with that?
  3. Sending good thoughts JoeJoe's way. Hang in there buddy!
  4. Sending prayers and hugs to Suzy, David, Arwen, Shiloh and the rest of the pack. This year has been a little too rough for them.
  5. I've used Melatonin for Clark off and on (for anxiety and thunderstorms) for over a year. Have never really noticed any difference in his coat, though. Of course, Clark has always had a completely bald chest and a bald butt.
  6. I use clippers, but I shine a flashlight up through each nail so I can get a very good idea of where the quick is. I also find it better to do this when the dogs are asleep.
  7. Yes, thankfully it's a fixable problem. Just a pain in the butt. And he'll definitely get more ear luvins' and treats!!!
  8. Update - It's bad when your vet calls and says "I have no earthly idea how he did that." But, good news is that he'll live. There was a little flap of skin that the vet said he would put a couple stitches in, but the rest of it was gone. So, we are back to the sock inside and plastic bag outside since we have to keep his foot dry. Shades of just a few months ago when he broke his toe on the same foot!!! Ugh.
  9. Came home from work today to Runner hobbling around on 3 legs, and a bloody paw. Finally was able to see what was wrong. It seems that he has "scalped" the fur in between two of his toes! How in the world did he do that? So we now have it wrapped for the night, awaiting the vet to open at 7:30 tomorrow morning. There is nothing to stitch from what I can tell, but I think there is a flap of skin that needs cut off. Anyone experience this before? I am stumped as to what he could have hurt himself on as the boys are gated in the family room and kitchen during the day. And of course, this is on the same foot that he broke a toe last summer!!!
  10. Ok, I'm getting the message that I'm not allowed to use "that extension" on this site. What does that mean? I'm following the instructions, and even taking the second "http" out. I'm trying to use photos from Snapfish. Help!
  11. Clark is not technically a "spook" but a very anxious dog. Getting another grey helped somewhat, but not enough. I started Clark on Melatonin, one 3mg tablet twice a day. Didn't see any improvement. So, I upped it to two 3mg tablets twice a day (so basically 12mg a day), and now I do see a difference. Still a little skittish around things, but better than before, especially when it rains. It does not knock him out. He's still fully functioning. Good luck. Hope you find something that helps.
  12. Hi. Our Runner boy was dull and flaky right off the track. A good diet and one fish oil capsule a day make a world of difference. Good luck and congrats on your new addition!
  13. ClarksMom

    Sahra's Gone

    My thoughts and prayers are with you. God speed Sahra.
  14. I work in Columbus, and I think you'll find rush hour fairly easy, except if it rains. For some odd reason, rain screws up traffic in a MAJOR way. And road construction is now done on 315 (the main highway beside OSU's campus), so it should be a lot easier for you to get to and fro. Wish you were visiting Columbus for another reason, though.
  15. Boy do I feel your pain. Runner broke one of his toes last Tuesday, and vet put him in a spoon splint for the next 6-8 weeks. X-rays showed a bad break pretty high up on the toe (last knuckle), so I think the splint is a good idea for now. Sorry I don't have any suggestions for you, but just wanted to know that I'm in the same boat as you. One little toe is causing all this mayhem! Hugs for your houndie.
  16. Since Runner broke his toe a few days ago and we are looking at 6 to 8 weeks in a splint, I am just wondering what damage (or whatever) hobbling around with a splint on for that long can do to them. Runner is still basically hopping around like a tripod (broken toe on front leg) and so his gait is just awful. Being a chiropractic patient myself, I am wondering the long term effects, if any, this will have on the alignment of his spine, etc. Does anyone have any experience with this?
  17. Well, picked Runner up at the vet last night and talk about one pathetic boy!! I think he's really going to milk this injury to its fullest extent to get more scritches and treats! And he especially likes the plastic bag I have to put over the wrap when he goes outside in the morning to go potty (grass is wet). NOT!!! So far, he's still hobbling around like a tripod. I know the toe still hurts him, and can tell when the pain meds wear off (he does the GSOD). That will wake you up at 6am!! The vet did show us the x-ray last night, and he did a doozie on his toe. The bone he broke is now in 4 pieces. I'm really hoping he heals fast because 8 weeks puts us right before we leave on vacation, and I can't be worrying about him while on a cruise ship!!!
  18. Thanks for all the suggestions. My vet is very receptive, so I bet he'll show me how to change the bandages, and I'll tell him I want to do it weekly instead of every two weeks. My heart will ache when I pick Runner up from the vet after work. I hate the thought of seeing him with his leg wrapped to China and back! And it's it ironic that he raced for almost 2 years, and then breaks his toe in his own backyard? Geez!!!
  19. Update: Vet called back and sure enough, it's definitely broken. Up close to where it attaches to the paw, and it's in all these little pretty pieces. Luckily, none of those pieces are displaced or floating around, so that's good. But now we're looking at 6-8 weeks in a spoon splint with limited activity, and check-ups every 2 weeks. Lovely. Luckily, Runner is our lazy boy, so I doubt he'll care that he won't get to run around at all for the next several weeks.
  20. Well, while running last night, Runner did the GSOD and came limping back to the deck. The outside toe on his left front leg was NOT where it should have been. So, I did the first thing I thought of, which was to grab his toe and try to pop it back into place, thinking it was just disclosed. Gave him some leftover Tramadol and didn't see any swelling. But of course, it did swell and he's hobbling around like crazy, so to the vet this morning with him. Poor guy. He's our big sweet boy and I hate to see him like this. Hopefully, it will heal quickly.
  21. So glad to hear that Tatoo is doing fairly well. He's such a beautiful guy. Keep us posted on his progress and try to get some more pictures of that beautiful boy!
  22. I am willing to help after July (due to moving). I live in a suburb of Columbus, but work in Downtown, which is fairly close to OSU.
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