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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. No advice just hugs and good thoughts and prayers for Ruby. I think your DD should be named 8th grader of the year!
  2. No advice. Just lots of good thoughts and prayers. You are going to get the most amazing amount of information and support from those who have walked this path before you. They are all so inspirational. Personally, I know that I would not choose the amp route but I am in complete awe of everyone on here who has made that choice and shown more love and compassion for their greys, and for each other than you might otherwise believe was out there in the world.
  3. Thanks for the new info. I will check into coupons. I live in NYC and use a grocery delivery service so coupons don't always work but I sure will try! I was pleasantly surprised by the food in that it wasn't stinky or gross feeling. I sliced and cubed it and Aquitaine inhaled it! She came bounding out looking at me as if to ask for more. It's a hit so I will definitely give it to her a couple of times a week at least.
  4. Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers for steady hands and clean margins.
  5. I am so sorry. Godspeed, Tyrone.
  6. I am so sorry. Run free, Sandy.
  7. Thank you. Aquitaine is also 78 (77.5) so then it would be the full roll for one meal. Thanks! I will give it to her tonight. If she likes it, I will include one in each week's grocery order. At $4-5 it is too costly to do all her meals that way but will be a nice treat for her.
  8. Gracie, you are working that "poor me" look very well. I'm sure it brought you lots of treats. Very happy to hear that you are feeling better, pretty girl!
  9. Welcome, you have a lot of great advice so far so I really have nothing to add aside from the welcome. You indicated your vet is your friend so I assume that means that you already have a good comfort level with him, as long as he is willing to confer with the grey savvy vets in the area, and learn what he needs to about this breed then you might not need to find a new vet. There is a lot of info on this board about what the blood/urine, etc. levels should be.
  10. Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers for Price today. I think after this he might need a steak!
  11. I just got a sample of this yesterday from the local grocery delivery service. They sent the chicken and I am looking forward to trying it. It is too expensive to use regularly but as a treat for a couple of meals a week it should be great. Question, if the roll is 1 lb, how much are you giving at each meal?
  12. I am so very sorry. Godspeed, Dude.
  13. I am so sorry. Run free, Princess.
  14. I am so sorry. Run free, Giselle.
  15. I am so sorry. Godspeed, Monty.
  16. I am so sorry. Godspeed, Tiny.
  17. carronstar


    I am so sorry. Godspeed, Tuffy.
  18. I am so very sorry. Godspeed, Howard.
  19. I am so very sorry to read this news. Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers for only happy days for Spencer and strength for you.
  20. I am so sorry to welcome you to GT in this manner, as so many have said before me. What my vet told me when my first girl Scarlett had osteo was that when it came to the point that we were having more bad days than good days, that is how I would know. Due to her age, we had been treating her for arthritis until we did the x-rays to confirm that it was osteo. When the x-rays confirmed the osteo, I set the date right then for my vet to come to the house to let her go in 12 days. While he said that we might have more time, I didn't want her to suffer. We had been dealing with her leg being sore for two months at that point, she was very old and I just couldn't bear the thought of her hurting. I truly believe that a day too soon is preferable. I spoiled that girl rotten for those 12 days and had a huge party for her on the last day with everyone she loved in attendance. It was all I could do for her. Then, I ran away from home and stayed with good friends. I know that not everyone can do that and I am truly grateful to the friends and their children who helped me through that first weekend without my girl. Your girl is beautiful and the picture you shared shows a girl who knows, absolutely, that she is loved and treasured.
  21. Perhaps you can try what the trainer did, leash her, walk her around inside a bit and then just head out as a continuation? I completely understand not having a car, could you take her somewhere once or twice a week in a taxi and then walk back? My girlie has no problems at all with walking but I have to admit, she is a car hussy. She will walk up to any car parked on the street that has an open door, or a taxi, a bus, a delivery truck, a police car. She just likes her vehicles. Maybe your girl does too. You are going to get there eventually and it is wonderful to hear you so willing to try!
  22. Lots of prayers and good thoughts for an uneventful dental for your Dawn. Hugs to you.
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