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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. Adding lots of prayers and good thoughts for Gracie.
  2. carronstar


    I am so very sorry for your loss. Lyra, you sound like a truly splendid hound.
  3. Progress is a good thing. Keep it up Valor.
  4. There is a dog in my local park that I see at least once a week. He is a hound of some sort, white with fawn spotting and a fawn head. No clue what type of hound. The first night I got Aquitaine her snarled and lunged at her, so I have been careful to put her on my other side and stay between them when I see him. Tonight I rounded a part of the park and came upon them too quickly to get in between them. He snarled and lunged, she stood up for herself and we were both bitten. It went through her lip and her throat. The vet said it was good that the throat cut went up and not down. She is stitched and home. I have emailed my bosses that I need to stay home and work remotely for a couple of days. I have to admit that I screamed and wailed. Thankfully many people came to help, one of whom is my downstairs neighbor. The owner of the other dog was apparently quite upset and my neighbor got his number. My vet thinks he should pay for the surgery. That would be great, I sure need the money but all I care about is that my girl will be okay. There were several bad cases in the emergency vet tonight so along with asking for the power of GT for my girl, please could you spare a prayer for those people who did not and/or will not go home with their pups and kitties tonight. __________________________________________ Apologies for any typos, I haven't slept yet and was bittin in my finger pad on my dominant hand. As they said at the evet last night, Aquitaine is definitely doing better than I am. She is fairly perky despite the Tramadol, she has been happy to eat and drink and no vomiting. Her nose is cold and wet and her eyes are their normal, beautiful sparkling selves. She is even trying to fit in some personal grooming time which I don't think will contribute to a sanitary mouth!!! The evet sent the release paperwork this afternoon with the after care instructions. I opted to go home after being checked out by the tech because it wa 1:00 am and there were so many other energency cases there last night. I have to watch for infection and she is on Clavamox and Tramadol for a while. She saw her own vet for her shots on March 12 so I know she is in good shape. I also spoke to my own vet from the evet's office last night and sent him the paperwork today. My friend Kelly who is her walker came to take her out today and she tried to get her way and go on her walk to Central Park which we took as a good sign. I have also asked Kelly to do the preliminary conversation with the other owner. I am too tired, shaky and on edge and am afraid I will burst into tears. Kelly has had full medical power since she tried to save Morgaine during her status seizure. After going through that day together, I told her that I would always trust her to do what was best for my girl. Both dogs were leashed. I learned my lesson nearly 20 years ago when Scarlett was ripped to shreds by a dobie in the dog run that we would stay out of dog runs with other dogs. I learned with that incident (and that dog also attacked other dogs and owners, including a police officer) that animal control in the city is virtually impossible to enact. We have rabid,sick raccoons in our park and nothing is being dine about them. Well, in fairness, one of my vets vet friend's is going around on his own and doing some kind of ingestible vaccination to try to cut down on the issue in the raccoon population. I honestly never thought raccoons would be a problem in the midst of New York City. Today a friend told me that her friends had recently seen coyotes. Yikes. My wound is a bit more difficult as I am allergic to penicillin which is the best drug for the injury. I now have another med and some Percocet which I am afraid to take in case I fall asleep and she needs me. I do know that I need sleep if I am going to help her. Thank you all so very much for the power of GT for my girl. I know it is only day 1 but I am cautiously hopeful. ______________________________ Today we had major tail wagging (she is a VERY waggy girl) and an attempted jump and waist hug. That was promptly rebuffed because of her stitches. Needless to say, I am thrilled. I am even having wildly crazy thoughts of abandoning the yoga mat and going to my own bed -- all of 4 feet higher than her mattress on the floor. I may get more than 2 hours of sleep tonight! The swelling in both her throat and lip is already less than yesterday and the color on both is still a healthy, "regular" pinkish-red. Off to ice my finger. Thank you all for the healing thoughts.
  5. Godspeed Simon. That was a lovely tribute to your special boy.
  6. Roscoe you look absolutely wonderful this morning!!!!!
  7. Keep healing Roscoe. You are looking much, much better today.
  8. carronstar


    What a beautiful tribute to Jasmine. She clearly touched a lot of hearts. Run with the wind Jasmine.
  9. Holding good thoughts for you and Roscoe. Make sure you take care of yourself too.
  10. Adding more prayers, good thoughts and hugs for Peanut and her humans.
  11. I know that it is nearly impossible, and I can't do it myself, but TRY not to project and worry about bad things. Roscoe is wrapped in a lot of love and prayers, and happy, good thoughts.
  12. I saw that one coming! Welcome home, Ethel.
  13. Sweet, strong, silly Cindy, you are going to be just fine and dandy. Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers.
  14. Sending good thoughts and prayers for Frankie.
  15. Only good thoughts for Roscoe. The meds will clear out the nasties and he will be back to himself in no time. Nothing else is remotely acceptable!
  16. Run free beautiful boy.
  17. Prayers and good thoughts coming Sonie's way.
  18. Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers Jazz's way.
  19. Sending lots of good thoughts for Roscoe. I know that third eyelid completely flipped me out the first time I saw it! I hope he feels better soon.
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