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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. Adding good thoughts and prayers.
  2. I am so very sorry to hear this news. Sending prayers and good thoughts for you and your Wendy.
  3. I'm so sorry to hear this. Hold her close and make as many memories as you can.
  4. carronstar


    I am so very sorry.
  5. Holding good thoughts for Elsie and you. I know my vet reminds me that I freak out every time there appears to be a limp or a skipped step because my mind is conditioned to think the worst because I've been through it. I told him that those visits are for my peace of mind, as well as for checking my girl. Hugs.
  6. Adding prayers and good thoughts for your boy.
  7. A shamless ploy to get more cuddling and treats. That's all it is.
  8. Fancy is such a special girl. She is only about 2 years old and has been through so much. When I first saw her picture a few days ago I just knew she was related to my girls. She is, she's a Molotov grand (great grand?) pup. Such a cutie.
  9. Adding lots of prayers and good thoughts for Houdini.
  10. I am so very sorry.
  11. Emily, so sorry this happened to Henry. No advice, just hugs and hope that he heals quickly.
  12. I am so very sorry. Quilty found the people she really wanted to spend her time with, I'm sorry there was not more of that time.
  13. This just stinks. Like so many others, I've been there and can tell you that you won't fall apart. You will get through this. You will do whatever is best for Neyla without worrying about yourself. We will all be here for you.
  14. Sending prayers for a swift and uneventful recovery.
  15. Riley would approve. That is a gorgeous photo of your boy.
  16. I have to admit that the top 10 foul words in the English language went through my head when I saw this thread. It is just so unfathomably unfair. I am hoping that no one asks why I am sitting at my desk in tears. The sad truth is that you will get through it because you have to. You will be strong for Peanut and for your husband and you will just keep going. Your post about losing Peanut's spirit really got to me. You won't lose her spirit. You will smile when you think of her and her antics. Maybe not for a bit but you will. You will find things around the house when you most need to do so. You will never, never, never lose Peanut's love or your love for her. I will hold you all very close to my heart and in my thoughts and prayers.
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