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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Oh, I am so sorry that this burden has been added to the load you are already carrying. I will be praying that your heart will be healing quickly. Sending prayers.
  2. I am so sorry about this dx, but it sounds like you're on the right track with her! I know what you mean about personalities - I have 2 that would probably do OK with that chair, but the third one? No way! Anyway, have you thought about contacting OSU about Chick? Or maybe someone out in GT land can help with a grey savvy Vet that would consult? Good luck and keep up the great work that you're doing with your girl! Update when you can about the test results.
  3. How lucky she was to have been "lost and found" by you! I just read the entire thread from last year and it is obvious that you loved her dearly and made her last year the very best. Thank you for taking her in and loving her as you did! Godspeed, Maggie! I hope your memories of her help to heal your heart.
  4. Thank goodness! There's a couch waiting for that girl and she needs to get there as quickly as possible!
  5. Welcome to GT but sorry your boy isn't feeling so hot. Blood work results are first and foremost. If those are negative and/or inconclusive, you might want to include TBD testing as a possible next step. A couple of possibilities for good/accurate testing can be obtained through the following: The Antech FastPanel info here: http://antechdiagnostics.com/clients/fastPanel/fastPanel.htm IDEXX has an equivalent panel: http://www.idexx.com/animalhealth/laborato...s/096913700.pdf Good luck and I hope it's an easy fix.
  6. Is your Vet grey-savvy? If so, then consulting with OSU shouldn't be an issue - there are MANY benefits to be had as a result of doing a consult. If your Vet isn't particularly grey-savvy, then PLEASE take the advice offered free of charge here from those who have been there. GTers are the best - hands down, no questions asked - absolutely unrivaled, in my opinion. Your decisions will have our 100% support, and everyone will be here to hold your hand, cheer you on, provide hugs of support and cry with you. Welcome to GT, and I am so very sorry that the possibility of this diagnosis brought you here, but you have landed in the right place. Please update when you can.
  7. I think I would be picky too if I had 14 teeth pulled at one time. Glad she's eating! Poor baby.
  8. Beau still eating? Teddy's labs ok? Is he eating any better? Does he show any interest in the zd?
  9. Oh, Happy! I am so sorry you are still feeling poorly!
  10. I would gve her a few more days and then transition her back to her food. Until then, feed her whatever she will eat. No sense making her tummy as miserable as her mouth probably feels.
  11. Strange.........I would have thought that MI State would have sent the titers to NC. They know better! MSU is the thyroid experts and they know that NC folks are the TBD experts. Stinkers. Hope you get a good dx soon!
  12. I am thankful that we are all here to wish Xan, Happy and her family a safe and Happy Thanksgiving! I hope that today brings another improvement, no matter how small, in Happy's condition. Sending healing white light and prayers and hugs of comfort.
  13. How awful for you and Ady Bea! Thank you for posting your experience, as difficlt as it has turned out to be. Sending prayers for a swift recovery!
  14. Have been following, lurking, reading, wishing, hoping and thinking and praying, planning and dreaming that this is the bottom with nowhere to go but up. I like 2 things: 1. abdominal ultrasound (done by an internist) and 2. less is more with the meds That's as far as my opinions go. All I can do is what so many of us are doing and that is pray for Happy, Xan and family. I just cannot imagine the stress! No matter what, we've got your back. p.s. Thanks Alicia!
  15. duncan41


    I am so sorry! My condolences to Bailey's family.
  16. We have been dealing with a mystery limp for 3 years on a 5 year old female. Multiple x-rays and examinations reveal nothing. Narrowed it down to the foot and have been using TheraPaws and a glucosamine and chondroitin supplement for about a year. Limp comes and goes but is very much improved.
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