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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful Cora. I don't think anyone ever gets "over "losing one of these magnificent creatures.............we just develop ways to maneuver "around" the pain and let the warmth of the memories heal the raw edges of the holes in our hearts. Godspeed, Cora.
  2. Oh, this is just not fair. You are all held tightly in my prayers. My heart hurts and my eyes are leaking. I am so sorry.
  3. Good meds, powerful prayers and a greyt Mom make for a powerful combination. Praying that everyone will be around for a long, long time.
  4. Sending powerful prayers for Gracie and her family. We will be waiting and hoping with you.
  5. Sending powerful prayers for a treatable diagnosis for Bistro. Poor baby. He must be very frightened. Hugs to you, too.
  6. 10,489 prayers sent. Will keep sending until he's 100%. Love that boy!
  7. Sending more prayers for Sweet T. You need to get better, Sweetheart! There's a comfy couch waiting for you!
  8. Wow! For a moment I thought your story was going to be one of those medical/vet nightmares, so I was relieved when the first Vet actually used some common sense! I'm sure you're exhausted, and I am praying that Aquitaine recovers with no lingering problems! Sending healing prayers.
  9. Oh, what a fight you both waged! I am so sorry that the end came much too soon! Hugs to you and DH. There are a lot of broken hearts out in GT land but all are sending their love and support. The emptiness created by her loss will be filled by your memories as you and DH continue to share and heal. Sending prayers of healing.
  10. Once a greyhound owner, always a greyhound owner, I say. We will never forget Maggie and how happy you made her! Please don't leave!
  11. No wonder Ollie seemed to be depressed! He probably felt like crap! Hope the meds make the difference and there are no surprises in the blood work results.
  12. So glad that handsome boy is ok. As far as the band-aid goes, I'm sure he will be teaching you a thing or two again down the road.
  13. I vaguely remember something unusual like that, but have no direct knowledge. Curious - did the Vet do a clean catch for a uring culture? I hope someone chimes in with their experience. Sending prayers for your girl.
  14. Will be waiting for Dee's customer review. I am always looking for new products that will make life easier, faster and/or better! Thanks for the info!
  15. Oh, that's wonderful! It is sure greyt to get good news like that! Hoping that he is fully recovered by now!
  16. Sweet T! Honey, we're so sorry you had to go back to the Hospital again! Poor baby! Sending prayers for a lightening fast recovery!
  17. That sounds encouraging! Is he on anything to protect his stomach? Pepcid? I would worry that the meds would be throwing him off his food. Sending prayers and hoping that it's just an unusual reaction to the meds. Please update when you can. Hugs and prayers for you and Sterling.
  18. Happy the bloodwork came back ok! So, now it's back to life as "normal", whatever that is. Take a deep breath, sit down, relax and have an adult beverage if necessary. His handsomeness is waiting to be spoiled.
  19. I am just catching up on this devastating news. I am so very, very sorry. What a sweet boy to have had this horrible diagnosis. Not fair. Spoil him, make beautiful memories and take lots of photos, all to help you get through those tough times ahead. Sending
  20. Awww. I hope she continues to improve! Sending prayers.
  21. The prayer meter is up and running and full of enough quarters to last way past Abby's dental tomorrow. Just in case, we're sending powerful healing light and hugs of comfort.
  22. No experience here, but others have given good advice. Sending healing prayers and hugs of comfort.
  23. Could it be "Acute Renal Failure"? Can still be fixed. Had a perfectly healthy dog one minute and within 7 hours was in ARF. That was in February and she's the picture of health today. Sending prayers.
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